Strength training is crucial to improving form, efficiency and pace, and adding resistance bands to your workout is an easy, low-stress way to build strength in the muscles runners use most. Perform 8 to 10 reps on each leg. If it’s not the case, then adjust it so that it’s not too easy. See the following image for a visual of where the pain usually happens: However, some runners report pain slightly further above that red spot too. Lift, rotate and flex the toes of one foot up and away from the center of your body as far as you can, keeping your heels on the ground. Create a loop by passing one handle around a sturdy object and the other around your right ankle, then stand tall with the left foot on the tubing, while holding the opposite handle. LEG POWER MOVE! Look for this banner for recommended activities. The most commonly-accepted treatments include: You’ll also see foam rolling as a suggested treatment, but the since the IT band itself is not a muscle, foam rolling it won’t really help that much. From marketing exposure to actionable data They can be done as part of your warm-up before a run or as a cool-down routine after a run, outside or indoors, or whenever is most convenient. Running is about more than just hitting the pavement. How To Become A Great (& Succesful) Fitness Blogger, The 7 Eating Rules Every Runner Should Follow, The 10 Fitness Goals You Should Be Setting. Start with 6-8 repetitions, rest, then repeat 2 more times. Lay on your side. We love to hear from you. According to research, many running overuse injuries, such as Runners Knee and ITBs, are linked to weakness in the hip muscles. Sign In, Join Active Band training for runners is by far the best option when it comes to rectifying both of these issues. Bending both knees, lower body straight down and return to position 2 to complete one repetition. Working on your running strength from home?In this workout, you can take your body-weight workout to the next level by adding a resistance band. Place a looped band around both feet, with one end under the foot on the ground and the other end around the midfoot of the crossed foot. How to do it: Tie an unlooped resistance band to a stable table leg or pole, making it into a loop. *Disclosure: This post may contain affiliate links that at no additional cost to you. Pain is frequently felt on the outside of the knee. Return to position 2 to complete one repetition. We teamed up with Theraband to bring you the best resistance band exercises to make you a faster, stronger runner … One of the most frequent problems runners face is the runner’s knee, also known as the IT band syndrome. Then, step to the right until you feel resistance, then bring the other foot in (see image above for the correct movement). amzn_assoc_ad_type = "smart"; Most bands are colour-coded according to tension level (e.g., light, medium, heavy, very heavy), and I would recommend you purchase a range of tension levels since different muscle groups will require different levels of resistance. Those muscles are closely tied to the hip muscles and overall leg stability while running, so strengthening them will aid in reducing IT band symptoms. Place resistance band around your waist and wrists with palms facing down. Injuries and overuse syndromes are common in runners and can quickly take the fun out of exercise. Last up, walk backward to where you started. If you have a bad history of lower leg pain or shin splints, then dorsiflexion, which is the angling of the foot toward the shin, is a great exercise to bulletproof your lower half against common overuse injury. And please do not let your feet come in contact.