Once the Index creeps above 3, you should be starting to put on sunscreen and to protect yourself. If your skin is particularly fair and light-hued, then you really should essentially never be outside without sunblock. If you know you’re going to be outside for a significant portion of the day, it’s a great idea to check your area’s UV Index. A wide-brimmed hat is also a must (more on that later). If the researchers are correct, and sun exposure does, in fact, reduce risks of diabetes, heart disease, and the like, the net benefit of tanning is enormous! Don’t overdo your tanning sessions, and steadily allow your tan to build up over time, as opposed to trying to knock out a tan in a couple of sessions. Again, by checking the Sunburnmap, you can get a good sense of what you’ll be faced with, and what you’ll need for sun protection throughout the day. A golden tan can make you feel better about yourself and brighten your mood. Aim for 10 minutes or so per side to start with, and gradually increase that time to about 20 minutes as you build your base tan. Short of using fake tanners, you can’t cheat your way to a great tan. Sunburnmap is an excellent option, and the EPA also has a pretty good UV Index (but it doesn’t show hourly forecasts). Many countries are now suggesting that it is safe to go outside without sunscreen for a time if the UV Index is below 3. There are clearly significant risks to tanning outside. Your email address will not be published. If you’re going to go out and tan in the sun, you need to be cautious and respect the sun! See here for information on what tanning oils do. Those with darker skin will naturally have more protection and will be able to spend more time outdoors without getting a sunburn. Yuck. While you’re sunbathing, you should be drinking water regularly. And even if your skin is fairly dark, you are not protected from the wrinkles, sunspots, and worse. That’s OK, maybe even good! Tan in the morning, and be sure to get an even tan by turning over to allow balanced exposure. You don’t need to wear them all the time, but you can choose to wear them in lieu of sunscreen at the beginning or end of the day, and allow your body to get some raw rays without getting over-exposed. Some rogue researchers have found that those with greater amounts of sun exposure have significantly lower rates of diabetes, high blood pressure, breast cancer, pancreatic cancer, and other major health issues. This is particularly important for those with light-colored skin. Replenish the water that you’re losing by drinking a good deal of water. Listen to your body, and if you feel like you’re getting over-exposed, seek shade immediately, and reapply sunscreen. The traditional recommendation among authorities in the United States is to apply … These tanning accelerator lotions are a big help and cut down on the amount of sun required to get a solid tan. After all, from the dawn of humanity to the mid-1950s, there was no such thing as sunscreen. Should you decide you want to take a dip in the ocean or whatever, you can re-apply your tanning oil after a dip in the water. If you’re going to be outdoors for any length of time when the UV Index will be above 3, you’ll probably want to be wearing sunscreen. Just be sure that you’re not using tanning accelerator lotions when the UV Index is 4 and you’re not wearing any sunscreen. Once you’ve exfoliated, it’s time to apply some moisturizer to sooth the skin and help the tan set. The best way to get a darker tan is to use an accelerator tanning lotion, and to stick to a regular schedule. Consider how the views on high carb foods have changed over the course of the last 10 years. Some of these lotions also include bronzers, which will further darken the skin. This will provide the greatest amount of protection from skin cancer. Alcohol will further dehydrate you. If you have concerns about cancer, or even about sunburns, this is the safest course to take. Yes, melanoma risk is elevated, but melanoma is relatively rare. It can take weeks or months to build a beautiful, luscious tan, but trying to take shortcuts can do great damage to your skin! But it’s a good idea to bring a light, flowy long-sleeved shirt and some clothing to protect the legs, such as a long skirt, sundress, or pants.