good with his hands, he is not a good salesman and he chooses the wrong Ever since I was a little girl, I wanted to be a zoologist), get creative with it! You can build your main essay “thesis” or idea around this. future career, that is to be an obstetrician, also known as an OB/GYN. I enjoyed working with the students and now I know that becoming a teacher is for me. It’s that easy! It should also grab the reader’s attention. Do not try to cover too much, and be specific with your examples. By the time one reaches their senior year, their career path(s) and a career outline that supports, in life they yearn to experience and enjoy but have sustained from due to the career choice they have chosen, as seem in Cordelia’s reflection of what her life may have been like if she had chosen to attend an university and Warshawski’s reflection in the park of the mother and her children. You might as well make that essay count. Whether you’re studying times tables or applying to college, Classroom has the answers. as much as he has planned. Imagine being stuck in a dead end job and having to go to work every morning and dreading it. The obstacle of finding a career is something we are all faced with at one time or another. Here’s a paragraph-by-paragraph breakdown: Paragraph 1: Establish the main theme of what you’re going to talk about.It should also grab the reader’s attention. When a person first enter high school, their teachers and guidance counselors should explain what classes need to be taken in order to enter college. During my field placement I learned that I really want to make a difference in children’s lives. It decides the future success or failure. It depends upon many factors such as one’s taste and temperament and aptitude, training and qualifications, knowledge and experience, background and resourcefulness. But remember that some rules are meant to be broken, so don’t be afraid to be innovative and think outside the box! I have had a hard time deciding on the right career choice for myself. What events in my life have led me to have these goals? Typically, when you are asked to write an essay, you might expect a 400- to 700-word assignment; however, occasionally you might be asked to write something significantly shorter. Damon has been a writer and editor since 1998. Both women are still at an age where these reflections can still become reality, yet they have chosen to continue pursuing a career that hampers their ability to achieve these personal goals. Ready to find scholarships that are a match for you? If your thesis is that nursing is a good career choice, then the body paragraph should emphasize how nursing is both emotionally rewarding and lucrative. The Choice of a Profession Essay (600 Words) Choice of profession and career is of great importance. brought about by his unrealistic dreams, his pride, his career choice and End your essay with a 30- to 50-word conclusion that re-states your thesis and reviews the main points you made in your body paragraph. Although the two careers optometry and occupational therapy are similar because of their relation to the field of science, optometry seems as if it is a more suitable career choice to fit my character.