And a unique name, at that—”orange” doesn’t rhyme with any other word in English. In both cases, it refers primarily to the orange fruit and the color orange, but has many other derivative meanings. It is the basis of the film The Eagle of the Ninth, being made by Kevin Macdonald. From there the word entered Persian نارنگ nārang and then Arabic نارنج nāranj. One of the most famous is, Brides traditionally wear orange blossoms in their hair or carry them in their bouquet at their, If an orange is peeled with a knife, it is possible to cut the peel off in one long unbroken piece. [20] In his song "Business" from the album The Eminem Show, he makes use of such word-bending to rhyme orange. We are no longer supporting IE (Internet Explorer), common word is one of the world’s hardest to translate. [Sources: The Guardian, Mental Floss, The Daily Meal]. Color Classes The answer is…neither. Did this really happen? The word’s roots can be traced all the way back to Sanskrit. At the bottom of the orange were smaller sections that looked like a smaller squashed orange inside the same skin, which was really the bigger orange's twin. Was the orange named because it was the color orange, or did the color get its name because of the fruit? Nowadays, thousands of these orange trees have been planted from cuttings. Some time after the sixteenth century, though, the color orange was adopted as a canting symbol of the House of Orange-Nassau. The origin of the word orange, however, started out only as a way to describe the fruit. William Shepard Walsh attributes this verse featuring two multiple-word rhymes for orange to W.W. Skeat. Although sporange, a variant of sporangium, is an eye rhyme for orange, it is not a true rhyme as its second syllable is pronounced with an unreduced vowel [-ændʒ], and often stressed.[14]. The first recorded use of orange as a colour name in English was in 1502, in a description of clothing purchased for Margaret Tudor. The word orange entered Middle English from Old French and Anglo-Norman orenge. The flowers smell very sweet which attracts many bees. Our modern English word orange probably goes back very many centuries to one of the Dravidian languages of southern India like Tamil or Telugu: the modern Telugu word for orange is narinja. Although it was used to describe the fruit, orange wasn’t used to describe color until the middle of the 16th century. Oranges are sweet and juicy. Sweet orange trees were brought to Italy, Spain and Portugal from India in the fifteenth century (1400's). It is one of the most important "commercial" oranges. These oranges often have red marks on the skin, and some parts of the inside look as if they have blood in them. Orange trees have dark green shiny leaves and small white flowers with five petals. : NPR", 15 Health Benefits of Oranges – Nutritional Value of Orange, Natural Food Guide to the Vitamin C content of Fruits,, Taxobox articles possibly missing a taxonbar, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License, Orange trees are a symbol of love and marriage in many cultures.