Place a strainer in the sink and pour out the hot water from the skillet. If the weather isn't cooperating or you don't have access to a grill, try making skillet hot dogs. As the water comes to a boil add a few hot dogs leaving plenty of room in the skillet. With all the different types available it makes sense to have just as many ways to cook the perfect hot dog! Hot dogs are no longer a one note food. Travel. LOVE all these tips & tricks! The telescoping feature ensures you can get the hot dogs over the fire but keep yourself a safe distance away. Copyright © Using heatproof tongs roll the hot dogs allowing them to brown on all sides. Cook hot dogs by desired preparation method (grilling or pan frying preferred). Pour 2-3 inches of oil into a medium size heavy pan or pot. I’m putting pepper jack and jalapeños on my shopping list for tomorrow! If you don't want beef, try a turkey dog, though keep in mind that this option doesn't necessarily have significantly less fat. Mainly on the grill or in a microwave. Cook your meat by pan frying or boiling the hot dogs. I love hearing from you! LIVESTRONG is a registered trademark of the LIVESTRONG Foundation. There is a key to success for this method: DO NOT ADD WATER. It should not be Thank you for all the intriguing ways to serve hot dogs, without which it just doesn’t feel like summer. We first discovered bacon-wrapped hot dogs years ago while attending a game at the Los Angeles Coliseum. I will be making these all summer long. Warm a hot dog bun in the skillet over low heat until the edges toast up; then serve with the condiments of your choice. Followed the grill directions and they came out amazing. The other option for a larger number of hot dogs is using a grilling basket designed for hot dogs and sausages. Since microwaves vary always check the hot dogs for doneness. The benefit is the hot dog heats though but also gets a nice crisping of the outside. I will typically grill the hot dogs on my outdoor barbecue. Heat an outside burner but grill the hot dogs on the area just next to it with no direct heat underneath. Overcooked skillet hot dogs turn rubbery and tough. Move the heated charcoal to one side of the grill. Please RATE THE RECIPE below! Yum! Timing – Depending on how many you have, the peppers and onions usually take longer to cook than your hot dogs. However it can drain some of the flavor away and leaves a soggy consistency. I recommend using a telescoping roasting fork. Sauté peppers and onions (sprinkled with salt and peppeuntil browned. Spark up a regular hot dogs with some spicy Pepper Jack cheese, sweet sauteed onions and crunchy, deep fried Jalapeno Chiles. Seasonal Recipes. The hot dog package should state what type of meat is in the hot dogs. You can never go wrong wrapping something in bacon! The amazing smells coming off their baking sheets convinced us to try them.