When the grill is heated, place the rack of ribs over the hot area. The ribs have absorbed all the smoke they are going to get. That whole, “falling off the bone” thing was created by bad restaurants that boiled their pork ribs. To remove the membrane from the rack, take a blunt knife (like a butter or table knife) and slip it under the membrane along the end bone. Of course, once you’ve tasted the results, you might be tempted not to invite anyone over next time, so you can have them all to yourself. Once done it is best to serve right away but they can be held to eat later if necessary. The water produces steam to keep the cooking environment moist and serves to regulate the temperature by holding the heat steady. Adjust the top vent to half open, and leave it alone. This recipe should feed four to six hungry people. The rub is dry and isn't going to magically melt into the meat much more than the surface. The membrane (the thin skin on the bone side of the rack) is a tough barrier that needs to go. Thick layers of fat will produce a greasy rib. Serve with lots of napkins and the beverage of your choice. After about an hour, remove the foil and return to the grill for 30 minutes to an hour. By removing the membrane, your ribs will be more tender and you will be able to get more flavor into the meat. The grill should be large enough that a rack of ribs can sit on half the cooking surface and have room around the edges for airflow and smoke. Mop should be applied lightly, and sparingly. This site uses Affiliate Marketing to generate revenues. You can still get the coals to light using some crumpled up newspaper and a small amount of kindling—just like you would use for a traditional campfire. If this isn’t an option, don’t despair. Putting the Ribs on the Grill. The meat should still be soft and the surface browning. You'll need a full bucket load of this virtue when cooking ribs on a charcoal grill. If you can find lump charcoal, consider using this in your smoker instead of briquettes. Don’t expect to have many leftovers, but if you do, they’ll make a great barbecued beef sandwich the next day (see our Pro Tip below the recipe for ideas). If you wish to do this, wrap the rubbed ribs with plastic wrap and place in the refrigerator until 30 minutes before cooking. By cutting straight down through the rack, you can get an even and a uniform rib. At this temperature, it is going to take about 3 to 4 hours to cook the ribs completely. There is no need to add additional wood chunks at this time since the smoke won’t be able to reach the ribs. Patience pays big dividends! The bone will be a different temperature from the meat and to get an accurate reading; you will need to check the meat without getting too close to the bone. At this point, the ribs will have their maximum tenderness before the meat starts falling off the bone. Sprinkle the rub on the ribs, and if you chose not to use the mustard, rub it on the meat. We feel this is a must when you barbecue beef ribs, as it allows the smoke and rub to penetrate the meat more thoroughly. How Long Does It Take to Smoke Ribs on a Charcoal Grill? Amazing technique, I’ve been using it for a years and people love the way I grill my ribs. Most people mistakenly use too much heat when cooking ribs, which turns flavorful ribs into charred bone. A knowledgeable butcher is an invaluable asset to the home griller. Avoid any “match light” varieties—these contain lighter fluid additives that will adversely affect the flavor of your meat. To get the right flavor for your ribs, start with a good BBQ Rib Rub. If you wish you can now bring out your favorite BBQ sauce, and baste during the last half hour of cooking. Our barbecue beef rib recipe provides a wonderful, natural flavor, so we emphasize the need to season lightly. A little pricey, but it works great! You will need to hold in the heat and the smoke and keep it consistent. Lot of chimney starters out there, but this is the champ. The grill will need to hold this temperature for at least four hours. When you’re ready to cook the ribs, prepare the grill by removing the cooking grate and stacking the charcoal on one side. We barbecue beef ribs on a charcoal grill with the indirect cooking method. The best way to get succulent, fall-off-the-bone ribs at home is with indirect grilling. At this time, add new hardwood to the fire to continue smoke production. If you wish, to maximize the flavor, apply the rub a few hours (up to a day) before cooking time. Again, check to make sure that the fire is still active and that there is water in the water pan. Then wrap tightly in several layers of plastic wrap. The trick is to convert the grill into a mini water smoker. Build a charcoal fire on one side of grill, such that the coals are situated on only one … What’s indirect grilling, you ask? If it threatens to drop too low, you’ll need to add more charcoal (or hickory wood chips, if you have them) to your fire. After about an hour, check on the ribs. He has written two cookbooks. This gives you some time to get the meal together and really helps make the meat tender. Fill with as much water as it can hold. Never save mop sauce left in the bowl (it is tainted with the meat's raw juices). What we are going to do is turn your full-sized charcoal grill into a small smoker. Spread the rub on the ribs generously. Make sure that the temperature is holding steady, that the fire is still burning, and that there is plenty of water in the water pan. To test it, build a fire in your grill and adjust the vents so that the internal temperature stays steady at a temperature near 250 degrees F (120 degrees C). Closely monitor the temperature and anticipate this with about a 15-minute lead. This is an old pitmaster trick and if you keep it in mind when cooking ribs, you will get the hang of it and be able to tell when ribs are done by using this technique.