Your band website is your music’s home online. Keine Musikredaktion irgendwo kann heute noch all die Musik hören, die ihr per Mail zugeschickt wird. In marketing terms, such people would be called “micro-influencers”. Und spamme sie dann nicht zu, sondern behandle sie mit Respekt und schicke ihnen wirklich nur dann nur Nachrichten, wenn es was Wichtiges zu berichten oder zu hören gibt. There are so many platforms, sites and tools you can use it’s easy to experience ‘analysis paralysis’ and not get anything done. These were incredible artists who nonetheless were very business-focussed in what they did. When it comes to promoting your music online don’t get too obsessed with the various tools and platforms you can use and their various strategies. In fact, so many rappers have been discovered on Soundcloud that many music industry insiders actually use the term “Soundcloud rapper.” Music promotion is about way more than just music today. It’s a great opportunity to hook them with a great first impression and win them over with an amazing user experience. If there was a way to boil all these tips down into one foolproof piece of advice it would be this: just start. Right? © 1999 - 2020 TONSPION GMBH - Ein Angebot von ContentConsultants, Impressum, Kontakt und Datenschutzhinweise, Das Comeback der österreichischen Popmusik, Musik promoten und persönliches Feedback einholen, Das Gratis-Tonstudio zum Aufnehmen von Musik, Sprache oder Radiosendungen, Wie die Legende entstand und wer Mitglied ist, Podcast mit Pep: Frau Bauerfeind hat Fragen, Stimme aufnehmen: Perfekte Aufnahmen mit Mikrofon, Die 30 besten deutschsprachigen Podcasts im Überblick, Tonspion - Der Popkultur Podcast #17: Wilson Gonzalez Ochsenknecht, Weitere nützliche SEO-Tipps zur Optimierung deiner Homepage, die Spielregeln der neuen Datenschutzverordnung, Austro Pop Special: Heißer Scheiß aus Österreich, Kostenloses Tonstudio: Musik aufnehmen und bearbeiten mit Audacity (DOWNLOAD), Club 27: Mythos um Musiker, die im Alter von 27 starben, Die Geschichte von: Queen – Bohemian Rhapsody, Musik in Instagram-Stories einfügen - so geht's. By connecting with other musicians online, you will not only be gaining musical allies, you will also be gaining potential new fans. It’s a lot of work. Verified pages are the best way for you to manage your presence on different platforms. Gerade für Newcomer gilt: Verschenke deine Musik erstmal und warte, bis die sie die Runde macht! But internet music promotion is about tried and tested tools as well as bold new innovations. Your website! It’s just as important to be marketing savvy, probably more important in many ways. It’s easy to get wrapped up in promoting your music online. Eine Tour, ein Album, ein Video oder neue Songs und kostenlose Downloads auf deiner Homepage. How to Write a Song in 11 Easy Steps Like a Pro! (Why not become one of those artists?!). zu schicken und garantiert ein konstruktives Feedback zu erhalten. = Congrats, you’ve just gained another Soundcloud follower whilst using Twitter! Aber auch musikalisch sollte natürlich ein eigener Stil bereits erkennbar sein. Music blogs are some of the most influential tastemakers out there. And these days there are fewer middlemen needed to sell your music online, so more profits for you! In the past music promotion was taken care of by industry professionals. It’s not a coincidence that they have epic success and Mick Jagger is an obsessive businessman, always finding business opportunities for the band. You need to connect with the people who will support your music by streaming tracks, buying merch and attending shows. Bei Bedarf laden wir die Bilder gerne aus der Dropbox runter. Follow them. A “marketing moment” is something that happens to you in your life as a musician that can become the basis of a piece of music promotion. But you don’t need to worry about that, you can transform your songs and music into many forms of online content. Don’t create”. Keep things as simple and easy to navigate as possible. Online is the new thing at our time and age so here are some of the best free sites to showcase your music! It’s marketing. This works particularly well on short-form social sites like Twitter and Snapchat. Indie music promotion and marketing services. Why? Make your mail more musical He calls this the ‘content pyramid’. But you have to do it—if you didn’t there would be nothing to listen to! You need to think about potential and opportunity, don’t fret about all the other people who are struggling to ‘make it’.Your situation is different from everyone else’s, so you need to look for opportunities to execute successful music promotion online. Niemand hat die Zeit oder Lust wahllos irgendwelche Musik anzuhören. There’s lots of great ways to promote your music that have been around for ages. Podcast erstellen: So kannst du deinen eigenen Podcast aufnehmen und veröffentlichen, Gemafreie Musik: Kostenlose Musik für Videos, Podcasts und Filme. Die Prinzipien von früher funktionieren bei Online-Musikmedien längst nicht mehr, die Werbebudgets reichen heute nicht mehr dafür aus, zig festangestellte Redakteure zu refinanzieren. Our unique system finds opportunities for our members such as indie record labels that accept demos or radio stations that accept submissions. But trying to find coverage is hard and getting tastemakers interested in your music is an intimidating task. My suggestion is that you make it as easy as possible for people to access your music on the platforms they prefer. Deine Musik gehört dazu? Facebook is not only a must-have marketing channel, like having a website, it’s also a great place to build a close-knit community for your music. There are various ways to create websites but we’d suggest either using or site builders like Wix or Squarespace to set one up. Zudem können bei ADD ON MUSIC individuelle Marketing Kampagnen in Auftrag gegeben werden. Today let’s talk about free music promotion sites that can help you spread the word about your music! You don’t have enough time, social media’s just not your thing, and so on. Einen Abklatsch erfolgreicher Künstler braucht wirklich niemand.