More Means Different: Widening Access to Higher Education. fair and open to communicate; he must aim towards a positive outcome (Ward, The data analyzed in this study with secondary analysis method is based on census statistics in post-revolution period. More Means Different: Widening Access to Higher Education. Expanded consciousness is co-created with the Degree apprenticeships (DAs) are well placed to address this gap because employers are involved in both the design and delivery of higher education and work with higher education institutions (HEIs) to develop the skills both parties believe graduates need through work-integrated learning (WIL). Transformative quality in management education focuses on transformative lifelong learning, and employability becomes of a subset of this dimension, rather than becoming the primary goal, ... Not only faculty, the role of leaders and senior administrators is crucial as well, in imparting education that strongly emphasizes upon an epistemic process, which encourages reflective learning at both emotional and intellectual level, besides facilitating and exploring one's ethical values, also known as 'transformative education' (Teeroovengadum et al., 2016). La oferta de graduados cada vez más cualificados ha llevado a la aparición de nuevos tipos de trabajos más cualificados, ... Algunos autores apoyan que no debe considerarse un indicador de rendimiento de las propias universidades, ya que no es la universidad la única responsable. Antibiotic resistance It suggests that: the development of education in China at present is beneficial to the increase in the employment rate, the increase in the proportion of the laborers with junior school education has negative effects on employment, and the development of higher education creates positive effects on the employment, but no evidence shows any significant correlation between the … The two organizations focus on training professionals through more practical approaches, learning in close collaboration with industries and society, boosting regional development. It is unusual for undergraduate (UG) and post graduate (PG) student learning experiences to be considered within the same research project however, the correlation of results and outcomes provides valuable points of reflection. Academic Tribes and Territories. Previous studies have revealed that unemployment, temporary contracts and part-time employment are the challenges that graduates have faced in working life (Edvarsson Stiwne & Alves, 2010; ... Trong gần hai thập kỷ đầu của thế kỷ 21, các nhà nghiên cứu và các nhà giáo dục đã công bố những bài viết và những kết quả nghiên cứu của mình, liên quan đến vai trò của giáo dục đại học với việc đào tạo nguồn nhân lực phù hợp và thích ứng được với những thay đổi của tổ chức cũng như những thách thức của kỷ nguyên mới. (The bibliography contains 107 references. The transformative approach – the focus of our paper – includes a wide variety of theoretical viewpoints and attitudes that deal with weakened and excluded social groups and is influenced by post-modernism and post-structuralism (Denzin & Lincoln, 2011). ... Employability can be defined as a set of skills, understandings and personal attributes that will make any graduate stand a chance to gain employment and become successful in an occupation of their choice which in turn will benefit themselves, the community and the economy (Yorke, 2006). is escalating globally as social behaviour is leading to selective pressure creating resistant Language tasks related to employment are now a main part of the language teaching or training syllabus. In summary, multiple studies presented above have shown that skills such as Problem solving skills, Decision making skills, Planning and time management skills, Team work skills, Communication skills, Initiative /creativity skills, Interpersonal skills, IT skills are the employability skills most desired by employers in the workplace. This paper addresses this gap in the literature by investigating managers’ ambidexterity, delivering three contributions to theory and empirical research on ambidexterity: first, by proposing. Anderson, J. This study was mainly based on primary data collected from the field interviews and discussions with carpet weavers, child labourers, contractors, exporters, NGO activists, and government officials in Khamaria area where carpet production is concentrated. In dem INCHER Working Paper „Higher Education and Graduate Employment: Changing Conditions and Challenges“ behandelt Ulrich Teichler umfassend die wichtigsten Aspekte dieses Themenbereichs: die quantitativen, strukturellen und organisatorischen Verbindungen zwischen Hochschulbildung und Beschäftigung sowie die Beziehungen zwischen den Studiengängen, dem Lernen und den erworbenen Kompetenzen einerseits und den Arbeitsaufgaben und der eigentlichen Arbeit andererseits. achieve goals or to be successful and therefore have to be conscious of their Perception, Acquisition and Utilisation of Employmentrelated Skills. Efforts to improve university-wide sustainability generally include sustainability learning, teaching, assessment, and campus sustainability activities; traditionally discrete activities facilitated separately by academics and estates’ management staff. In addition, recent scholarship calls for research to create a theoretically informed understanding of why and how interventions aimed at enhancing employability are effective. This paper describes the primary employability skills and discusses how these skills can be taught in an ESL classroom. Each group was taught the affective course, Reinvent Yourself, by a different teaching method. Moreover, they expressed a desire for greater ongoing connection with the university as their careers progressed. which are mindfulness, energy and love. same time he must remain neutral; collect information and learn from In order to address this sustainability skills gap, the Level 5 business sustainability curriculum engages students in practical methodologies for business sustainability learning, teaching and assessment using the university as a live sustainability case study. The analysis suggested a strong link between continuing vocational education and economic improvement and pointed to the need to continue and broaden such educational efforts and innovation. bacterial strains found in farm animals, which pose a potential risk to humans via the Despite these competency challenges being alluded to the constant change of skills requirement by employers, there is need to explore the development of Health employability agenda in higher education and examine implications of organizational change for graduates while assessing the attributes that graduates will need in their next phase of job placement [19]. Graduates also confirmed that Subject understanding/Academic skills show moderate discrepancy and moderate need for curriculum enhancement. RESEARCH PROBLEM Report 98/44. The objective of this study was to assess the graduates self-perceived level of skill discrepancies in the workplace. In short, all related stakeholders, include policy makers, employers and students, have created a strong influence on the higher education agenda in order to ensure that graduates leaving the system are fit-for-purpose, ... With the current reduction of public budgets for higher education, the demands for greater efficiency and higher quality make institutions reconsider their internal structure more deeply, and the potential needs often cause extensive reforms (Skodvin, 1999). The authors have researched a diverse range of interventions which have had a positive impact and which are based on the principles of enterprise education and experiential learning. Öte yandan incelenen beş hukuk fakültesinin öğretim programlarında zorunlu-seçmeli derslerle ilgili olarak dengeli bir dağılımın olmadığı belirlenmiştir. (1996). Our modeling approach addresses shortcomings in previous research approaches. emotional and spiritual intelligence, and take care of their physical vitality Copyright © 2014 Published by Elsevier Ltd. International Journal of Educational Development, A couple of researchers' states that employability skills can be really actually just a couple of achievement, understanding, and individual attitudes or qualities which indicate the patient as more competent to find the desired project and successful at career choice [23, ... Primary purpose of higher education (HE) should be to prepare graduates for the world of work by enhancing students' knowledge, skills, attributes and abilities while simultaneously empowering them to be critical, reflective lifelong learners, ... First, it creates the basic for highly trained labour force (Kalfa & Taksa, 2015), thus may help reduce the 'learning curve' for students in the transition from university to employment (Mason, William, & Cranmer, 2009). This chapter sets out to illustrate the relationship between the constructs of employability and entrepreneurship. The opponents of work-readiness programmes argue that work-readiness programmes might diminish universities' independence and, as a result, hamper the development of new ideas. into a whole. At a relatively higher level of per-student expenditure, employment rates increase even as the student/faculty ratio rises. Community, 5 November 1991. Higher Education is no exception. However, no significant differences existed between the perceptions of tourism graduates and those of the tourism industry regarding personality traits. continuously upgrade and develop all dimensions of perception, intelligence, In most cases, students usually leave university with a good appreciation of their chosen fields as they have studied those intensively during the degree programme (Cottrell, 2015). expression. This paper discusses these challenges and offers policy recommendations designed to support the UAE in its goal of Emiratisising its workforce and creating a knowledge-based society.