Want to be a student contributor for Engage? St. Teresa, after living in the world, realized her desperate need for a personal relationship with God, but by no means was she perfect. Reading about great leaders like MLK and Mother Teresa, who advocate for such strong love of neighbor and standing up for beliefs in the face of adversity, is at the focal point of my inspiration. Please see author bio at the end of post. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. May 18, 2015 Her acts of kindness and selflessness has had a tremendous influence worldwide. Throughout her whole life, she helped many sick and poor people and cared for the children. For the most part, two of my communities are Providence College and Pasa Esek Hopkins. All of these projects were based on the Catholic, mercy, and dedication to gain respect. She was a faithful woman that directed people to trust in God and follow in Jesus’s example of how to treat people. She ended up getting two “calls within a call” that changed her life forever. To this day, Mother Teresa continues to inspire people all over the world with her kindness and is seen as a religious role model to young people, showing great ways to demonstrate their faith. On September 4th, 2016, Pope Francis officially canonized Mother Teresa for sainthood in the Roman Catholic Church. She intertwined the two of these and became a nun. She went to Calcutta to teach at St. Mary’s School and she would remain there for the next seventeen years. Newly canonized Saint Mother Teresa has had a significant social impact on the world. She was approved and sent to the main house in Dublin. Though she was kind and caring, she was not shy about standing up for what's right. Mother Teresa embodied this statement throughout her entire life as she served the poorest of the poor throughout the world. Claremont Lincoln University offers the following programs: Lydia Aranda is a student at Claremont Lincoln University. She devoted her entire life caring for the poor of Calcutta, India. Mother Teresa had a huge impact on society as a religious icon and philanthropist. Her mother showed her the kindness of her heart and gave her a new outlook, Vander Mel 1 Mother Teresa was then awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for her “untaken struggle to overcome poverty and distress, which also, Culture has a big impact on how one views the world and others based on their background experience. Subscribe to our blog newsletter to receive all the latest updates from Engage. Through her love and guidance of Jesus, Mother Teresa proves to be real life savior. Mother Teresa is very different from your typical wealthy world influencer, she doesn 't have a lot of money, and works purely to benefit people in need. Even in her own darkest hours when she felt most alone in her duties, she persevered to bring dignity and peace to the sick so that they would not die alone or be rejected. From the earliest age, Mother Teresa began a life of service because she was dedicated to assisting others who were in need. Primarily, Hillary uses the rhetorical device logos to persuade the audience of why women’s rights are important. Mother Teresa established many service based organizations that focused on aiding those in poverty, while also maintaining composure through hardships and was recognized for her service to the less fortunate. Known as a pioneer, a peacemaker, and a legend. Aly Hirani, David Hlubocky, Maci Hall, Asha Christensen. Mother Teresa is a perfect example of a modern day saint. In September of 1946, I received, Analysis of Mother Teresa’s Speech Malala Yousafzai and Hillary Clinton use rhetorical devices such as logos, allusion, and repetition in their speeches.”Address to the United Nations, July 2013” and ”Excerpts from speech given for the United Nations Fourth World Conference on Women, 1995” are the speeches used to stress the importance of women and their rights. Learn about the featured student contributor at the end of each individual blog post. One person took the less fortunate and the sick under her wing. Mother Teresa had a huge impact on society as a religious icon and philanthropist. Newly canonized Saint Mother Teresa has had a significant social impact on the world. Mother Teresa dedicated her life to all those who needed help and sanctuary. Mother Teresa was born in Skopje Ottoman Empire, today known as Macedonia, on August 26, 1910 (McCarthy). She is an agent of social change working through her business development and consultancy firms to support non-profits and public service agencies, create leadership alliances between corporations and local communities, and advocate for education, entrepreneurship and equality. She devoted her entire life caring for the poor of Calcutta, India. This student post about the social impact of Mother Teresa was originally written. We and our readers would love to read your submissions on driving positive social change. Claremont Lincoln University offers socially conscious master’s degree programs in organizational leadership, public administration, human resources, healthcare management, higher education administration, and social impact.