If you cause one person to feel more upbeat in their day, they are more likely to pass along a kind act to another person, possibly without even realizing it. Senior advocate: Here are more answers to your voting questions. A couple of months later I received a letter from Sarah from New Jersey who had listened to my talk. With so much going on in our world right now that we cannot control, you may be feeling very overwhelmed. With everything going on, it is easy to become bogged down by a sense of dread. Her credit card had been denied for the $200 tab, and her debit card and cash were at home. A few days later she called LA Fitness to thank Matthew again, and was told by his boss, choking back tears, Matthew had recently been tragically killed in a car crash. It benefits the giver, the receiver and maybe even can extend further then we realize. Spreading joy and happiness through even the smallest acts of kindness is a gift to your community. I found it this morning. It is natural to internalize these feelings of turmoil into our daily life. As we approach the holidays and the season of giving and gratitude, I want to share a recent experience of mine with a random act of kindness. She wrote, “I would like one for myself and kindly ask if you would present 15 more to whomever you choose. And, especially at this time of year, my wish is that everyone keep a little extra kindness in their hearts. by Taryn Williford. 101 Random Acts of Kindness Ideas, All The Best Acts of kindness and Random Acts of Kindness Examples for Everyone, Acts of Kindness for Kids, You'll find over 200 Easy Random Acts of Kindness and Small acts of kindness. Suffering is the Only Honest Work – A New Book, How to write a beautiful condolence card to someone who has lost a child. All I asked is that they send me $6 to cover the cost of the book and mailing. If you have, didn’t that moment just brighten your whole day, or … “I’m Matthew and I’m a personal trainer at LA Fitness in Carlsbad.”. No matter how small it seems, these gestures can make a big impact. Think of the ripple effect that one act of kindness can have in your community. Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you. At the conclusion of my talk, I offered to send a copy of Suffering Is the Only Honest Work to anyone who might like to have a copy. © Copyright 2020 - Write Me Something Beautiful | All rights reserved | Privacy Policy | Disclaimer | Web Design | Hosting | SEO. THE MATTHEW JACKSON LEGACY. © 2020 www.vcstar.com. I love a good random act of kindness, and I’ll keep doing those. All I ask is that you use the cards enclosed to continue to spread kindness in honor of our beloved son, Austin.”. But what I’m committing to at the moment are intentional acts of kindness. Start today and create a single ripple of kindness that just may touch many more than you will ever see. As I re-read the article today, I realized Matthew’s random act of kindness occurred five years ago on this day, November 10. Create your own “Do Good Jar” like this one from My Joy-Filled Life. He lives in Solana Beach, California, with his wife, Hilary. Help me to be kind towards others, whether they deserve it or not, because you were kind to me when I didn’t deserve it. Know that some days will not be as productive as others and that is normal. Required fields are marked *. Dear Lord, thank you for your never-ending kindness towards me. Have you ever been on the receiving end of a random act of kindness? JANUARY 2020 ™ www.randomactsofkindness.org ... RAK DAY RANDOM ACTS OF KINDNESS WEEK LOVE THE SCIENCE OF KINDNESS According to Brené Brown, a research professor at the University of Houston, allowing ourselves to feel vulnerable at work (and be mindful of those feelings) can lead to love, belonging, joy, courage, Sarah’s son, Austin, a University of South Carolina grad, transitioned in April of 2017 in Rumson, New Jersey. All rights reserved. It is also important to remember to extend that kindness to yourself. ... make room for random acts of kindness—it’s good for everyone! Instead of focusing on the negative, focus on some things that you can control. She asked his name and where he worked. This is a profound concept, and we often take for granted just how powerful it can be. But that one simple act made all the difference for you. Random Acts of Kindness Calendar November 2020 As we start to get closer to the holiday season, hopefully things are beginning to look up. Driven by a dedicated staff and committee of volunteers, this is the ninth annual Rak Day for Windsor-Essex! Kindness is something we give, even to people who don’t deserve it. The act cheers up that particular cashier, who then extends extra patience and kindness to the next customer in line. If you don’t mind, please enclose these kindness cards with each book you give out.”, Sarah enclosed thirty cards, 2 for each recipient wrapped with this message.“Please accept this as a kind gesture from a parent within the Helping Parents Heal community.