When you make your images much taller than the recommended 828 x 315 pixels, Facebook will crop the top and bottom to get a optimal result. The highest resolution Facebook will store is 2048px by 2048px. Lastly, if someone clicks on your profile photo, it can be displayed as large as 850px by 850px. The optimal size for a Facebook cover photo is 828 x 465 pixels. So long as your image is at least 170 pixels on its shortest size (which is pretty tiny), you should be good to go. The ideal image size for a Facebook event photo is 1200px by 628px (a … In 2020, the ideal Facebook profile photo size is 360 x 360 pixels. Facebook Event Photo Size. But Facebook profile photos must be at least a minimum size of 180 x 180 pixels. How to Add or Change a … Studies show that we can’t see pictures of ourselves objectively. Size Requirement for Facebook Profile Picture Because it displays so small, you’re unlikely to run into an issue with image sizes. And here is the recommended Facebook image Dimensions cheat sheet. The size of the profile picture that is seen in the comments you make, however, is scaled down and resized to a square image of 40px by 40px. The most significant change for Facebook photo size 2020 is the Facebook Cover photos, which reduced in width from 851 pixels to 828. Does your Facebook profile picture look ?