Any important decisions to do with a child are generally made by an elder. The Individual. Eastern parents demand good academic performance. In an Eastern household, parents would think twice before letting their child attend a birthday party as they feel more useful things can be done with that time. Major Difference Between Western & Eastern Thought on Education. Confidence breeds hope. 5 Cultural Differences between East and West 1. Baumrind believed that the authoritative style — wherein parents draw boundaries and provide guidance, but also give children the freedom to make decisions and learn from their mistakes — is the most beneficial for all-round development of children. 5  Pages. The famous Chinese painter Master Li Hongzhi... variations exist, its basic definition is unvarying. Ⅰ Introduction WHICH CULTURE IS BETTER: WESTERN OR EASTERN For instance, in China, parents are reportedly becoming less authoritarian and more sensitive to the emotions and needs of their children, encouraging them to exercise greater independence and autonomy. Western Europe: Western Europe refers to the west part of Europe. Western parents accord great importance to nurturing independent children. Our services are NOT affected by COVID-19. This means you can achieve anything if you work hard enough. For instance, it’s normative in the West for infants to sleep in a separate room with teens moving out of the family home once they turn 18 years. People prefer to approach difficult situations by using good manners and tact, not aggression. Western culture allows people to be more open and critical. 4  Pages. I would suggest it is the result of the different. A variety of philosophy schools around the world have pondered these kinds of philosophical problems for thousands years and some of them are highly representative (like Confucianism for Eastern and Platonism for Western). Over the past decade in particular, there’s heightened interest and discussion about the critical importance and impact of different parenting styles — in particular eastern vs. western parenting — on a child’s academic performance, self-confidence, emotional development, behaviour and ability to cope with life’s challenges. Premium in the following comparative study between the teachings of these... philosophical problems for thousands years and some of them are highly representative (like Confucianism for. 128. 6  Pages. their understanding of the cycle of life and death are all quite distinct from advertisement; thinking patterns; cultural differences Comparison of Different Thinking Patterns between Eastern and Western Advertisements Chen says that as countries in Asia, Africa and South America become industrialised and westernised, their cultures are becoming more individualistic and parents are adapting their child-rearing styles and values accordingly. Ⅰ Introduction issues relating to the possibility of a Supreme Being, the purpose of life and The purposes of the commercial advertisements are to persuade customers to buy those products and to earn great interests trough describing the products lively and specifically. The bottom line is that children can be motivated either way. The Western culture believes that one’s future is unknown and that it is determined by God. Eastern philosophy consists mainly of Asian philosophies such as the Indian philosophies of Buddhism and Hinduism, the Japanese philosophies of Zen Buddhism and the samurai tradition, and the Chinese philosophies of Confucianism, Taoism and Ch'an Buddhism (Moore & Bruder, 2008, p. 525). In fact, they believe their children’s academic success reflects successful parenting. 4  Pages. The Eastern philosophies are mainly consists of the Asian philosophies such as: English... each subject and the expressions in a vivid manner and bring the subjects to life. God, Islam, Western religion 1014  Words | On the other hand in South Asia parents tend to be more protective of their children. In most Western societies, individualism and independence are viewed as positive, laudable traits. East Asians bow down as a gesture used when welcoming guests, saying thank you and apologizing. Their views on It’s when I don’t make my child do extra work that I feel terribly guilty.”. As Amy Chua writes in Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother: “What Chinese parents understand is that nothing is fun until you’re good at it. A second eastern and western culture comparison is a person from the West is more free and flexible to reach decisions on his/her own, unlike what happens in the East where families make more decisions collectively. Advertising, China, Western culture 1555  Words | According to Baumrind, authoritarian parents are disciplinarians and punishment is common, and communication is mostly one way: from parent to child. It’s common for eastern parents to use force or punishment including corporal punishment against disobedient children. Over the past decade in particular, there’s heightened interest and discussion about the critical importance and impact of different parenting styles — in particular eastern vs. western parenting — on a child’s academic performance, self-confidence, emotional development, behaviour and ability to cope with life’s challenges. The soul is seen as the core principle of life or as the essence of a being 1. Students are not expected to speak up in class or respond to the questions that the teacher asks. 3  Pages. The idea of the soul varies widely in religious tradition. Students from eastern cultures often excel academically when in a western educational environment because they work harder than western children. At times, this can backfire — we need to step back and let our children have difficult experiences because that’s how they learn and develop resilience, independence, and inner strength.”, Fun/enjoyment. Remote health initiatives to help minimize work-from-home stress; Oct. 23, 2020 For centuries, the Chinese viewed the child as a miniature adult who should behave according to the expectations of the adult world. Every child has unique talents and aptitudes, and a one size fits all approach isn’t advisable. Hope breeds peace." Copyright ©2008-2020 The Migration Translators. While some view it as a mortal... consist of the Qur'an but also the Bible. In Indian families, it is not unusual for youth to live with their parents until they get married and even after that, in joint families. Western parents believe in personal fulfilment and the pursuit of happiness. On the other hand such micro-managing of children’s lives is rare in America where children are not burdened by high parental expectations, and their sensitivities are a national preoccupation.