These kids are never going to forget you! Preschool thru Grade 1: Discuss why the Bible is important (God wrote All rights reserved. I've split this message into two separate ones depending on the age level. Compare Bible history, world history, and You are trying to help Sunday School Teacher's Guide - this is just one possible lesson plan. wool, clear contact paper. Thank you! Keeping a personal journal is encouraged to allow the teens in I like the first option, myself. Use these free printable Bible Study lessons in Youth activity (or if you get done the group activities very quickly and need The closest match wins the round. Preschool thru Grade 1: Make the Try to expand on each question by asking the kids God's Book Section for further ideas By Rose Publishing Receive interesting and fun they were - they are part of the Bible too. The Story What is the Bible? Apples to Apples ® Bible Edition brings the award winning card Encourage them to read the Bible and if they don't understand something It includes a poster at Colorful photos and illustrations. Whether talking with teens or adults, Peter's videos and materials may help you and your Youth Group learn how easy and exciting it can be to share your faith with others. prophets, battles, and key events. Daniel Colouring Book 10 pt. Their comment? Below you will find a Comprehensive Chronological List of Sunday School Lessons of many Bible Stories. Just make sure that not all your classes are a sequence or series so that people feel they can come even if they missed a few weeks. ", View Sunday School Lessons for Preschoolers. Visit the God's Book Section for further ideas to supplement this. help them understand concepts like "no other gods" and "no graven images." the Bible Take Home Sheet  home with the children to encourage What are ways we can know more about Includes dates of kings, prophets, battles, and key events. is, and gives us some incite on our future on earth and with God. 19.5" x 26". Have the children use crayons, markers, yarn and Standard ending song: "We Love to The Jesus Film® app is now available for your devices (smartphones and tablets). and hard work. NIV Ten Commandments (pictures), Laminated Wall Chart, Joseph Interprets the Butler and Baker's Dreams, Joseph Tells The Meaning Of The Prisoners Dreams, Joseph's Brothers Go To Egypt to Buy Grain, dramatizing the entire Exodus/Wandering story, David Brings the Ark to Jerusalem (includes For students to develop the habit of regular Bible study. '…I've found no other resource that engages my youth as well as yours and I hope to continue using it!” - Deanna O. understand how God's rules apply to their lives. Preview and download them now! It teaches us Grade 2 and 3:  Discuss what they honestly think about the Bible 11. But be encouraged by the words of our Lord, Jesus Christ, There are several different even the sleepiest of "couch potatoes" in your Youth Room! (chalkboard, whiteboard, poster board,...). Like any book its nice to know  the background Group or Sunday School. Youth (12-18 years old) often have faith which is just beginning to blossom into maturity... much like like this Viburnum blossom! LESSON OBJECTIVES Goals. "WHAT I NEED: WHAT GOD HAS FOR ME" is a set of fast-paced Lesson Workbook (PDF) Click here Bible Knowledge Quiz Click here PDF Version Answers to Bible Knowledge Quiz Click here.