The Godfather cast list, listed alphabetically with photos when available. The novel opens with the words: "Amerigo Bonasera sat at New York Criminal Court...". Viele Mafiosi erzählten später, der die Mafia stark idealisierende Film habe ihr Lebensgefühl genau getroffen, und ein Experte für organisiertes Verbrechen nannte Coppolas Werk den „beste[n] Werbespot für die Mafia, der je gedreht wurde“. Other Supporting cast includes James Caan, Richard Castellano, Sterling Hayden, John Marley, Richard Conte, Al Lettieri, Abe Vigoda, TessioTalia Shire, Gianni Russo, John Cazale. Bram Stoker’s Dracula | In the novel, Lucy is a fairly important supporting character, with several chapters dedicated to her story. Mark McCluskey—a corrupt police captain on Sollozzo's payroll—has removed Vito's bodyguards, leaving him unprotected. Omertà | Robert Duvall has played the role of Tom Hagen in the movie. She is lonely, however, and occasionally pines for Sonny: while never having loved him or even truly known him, she misses him as a lover, and cannot achieve sexual satisfaction with anyone else. He is a consigliere and lawyer for the Corleone crime family. Der Pate | Tetro | Tune in today to stay updated with all the latest news and headlines from the world of entertainment. Jahrhunderts erstreckt. He is portrayed by Robert Duvall in the films. Der vierte Kennedy | [8], Der Film wurde 1973 mit dem Oscar für den besten Film ausgezeichnet. Before their divorce, she is the second wife of Michael Corleone. She is one of the childhood friends of Vito Corleone's children, particularly his daughter, Connie Corleone. He is the leader of the Corleone crime family, as well as the patriarch of the Corleone family. | Die dunkle Arena | He is portrayed by Marlon Brando in The Godfather and as a young man by Robert De Niro in The Godfather Part II. Realizing his father is in danger, Michael and a nurse move Vito to another room. Dieser Etat war das Verdienst Coppolas, dem der Produzent Albert S. Ruddy zuerst nur 2,5 Millionen Dollar zugestehen wollte. Er lässt gleichzeitig sämtliche Oberhäupter der konkurrierenden vier Mafia-Familien ermorden, darunter Barzini, und verschont auch abtrünnig gewordene Mitglieder seiner eigenen Familie nicht, wie Carlo und einen seiner Capos, Tessio, der ihn im Auftrag Barzinis in eine Falle locken sollte. [7] Frank Sivero portrayed Genco in The Godfather Part II as a young man. Dank seiner zahlreichen Beziehungen kann Don Vito seinen Freunden jede Bitte erfüllen und schreckt auch vor Grausamkeiten nicht zurück. Virgil Sollozzo unsuccessfully attempted to assassinate Don Vito Corleone after a failed attempt to obtain financing and police and political protection for his emerging heroin business. Michael, knowing his father will never be safe while Sollozzo lives, convinces Sonny that he can murder Sollozzo and McCluskey. After the meeting, Vito castigates his son for letting an outsider know what he was thinking. [16] Dadurch habe der Film auf Mitglieder der Mafia – nach Aussage eines Polizisten vor einem US-Senatsausschuss 1981 – „eine starke Wirkung gehabt“. Following an assassination attempt years before, in which his eyes are permanently damaged, he wears large black sunglasses to shield them from the light. Vito Andolini Corleone is a fictional character in Mario Puzo's novel The Godfather and in the first two of Francis Ford Coppola's film trilogy. The actor’s famous works include Play It Again, Sam Sleeper, Love and Death, and Annie Hall. The Godfather is a movie that doesn’t need an introduction. Thomas "Tom" Hagen is a fictional character in Mario Puzo's novel The Godfather and Francis Ford Coppola's films The Godfather and The Godfather Part II. The movie which was an official adaptation of the bestselling Mario Puzo novel of the same name also had an iconic cast that includes some … Der Pate war an den Kinokassen ein herausragender Erfolg und zählt zu den künstlerisch bedeutendsten Werken der Filmgeschichte. Technical Specs, See agents for this cast & crew on IMDbPro, Extra in Furniture-Moving Scene Christopher Columbus – Der Entdecker, Kinderbuch Con Robert De Niro, Al Pacino, John Cazale, Robert Duvall, Diane Keaton. Don Vito lehnt dieses ihm zu schmutzige Geschäft ab, da es ihm nicht nur unmoralisch, sondern vor allem zu riskant erscheint. The Godfather is set in the 1940s and takes place entirely within the world of the Corleones, a fictional New York Mafia family. The Godfather is a 1972 American crime film directed by Francis Ford Coppola who co-wrote the screenplay with Mario Puzo, based on Puzo's best-selling 1969 novel of the same name.The film stars Marlon Brando, Al Pacino, James Caan, Richard Castellano, Robert Duvall, Sterling Hayden, John Marley, Richard Conte, and Diane Keaton.It is the first installment in The Godfather trilogy. Im ersten Teil mag diese Symbolik noch zufällig wirken, in den Fortsetzungen wurde sie jedoch bewusst eingesetzt. He is portrayed by Al Lettieri in the film adaptation of the same name. She eventually becomes one of Michael's closest allies. So betrug der Altersunterschied von Brando zu seinen Filmsöhnen Al Pacino und James Caan jeweils nur 16 Jahre. If you want to answer the questions, "Who starred in the movie The Godfather?" Der Film mit Marlon Brando und Al Pacino in den Hauptrollen war für elf Oscars nominiert, von denen er drei gewann. Michael flieht anschließend nach Sizilien und heiratet in dem Dorf Corleone die junge, naive Apollonia, obwohl zu Hause in New York seine US-amerikanische Freundin Kay auf ihn wartet. Oktober 2020 um 16:24 Uhr bearbeitet. Mamma Lucia | Some of his popular works include The Twilight Zone, The Outer Limits, The Godfather, The Godfather Part II, Apocalypse Now, The Great Santini, The Natural, Lonesome Dove, The Handmaid's Tale, Days of Thunder, Falling Down, and Secondhand Lions. (uncredited), Boy on Street Who Attended Funeral She also appears in flashbacks in The Godfather Part III. [7] A scene where Vito visits Genco on his death bed in hospital after the wedding was ultimately cut from The Godfather film.[7]. Captain Mark McCluskey is a fictional character in Mario Puzo's The Godfather. The 1972 crime thriller remains a cult classic till date. Dezember 2008,, abgerufen am 2. You can view trivia about each The Godfather actor on this list, such as when and where they were born. Las Vegas, Drehbücher Although Michael is frisked before the meeting, a revolver had been planted behind the overhead tank of a toilet in the restaurant's lavatory. Al Pacino who is also a filmmaker and stage director has to his name one Academy Award, one BAFTA Award, two Primetime Emmy Awards, two Tony Awards, and four Golden Globe Awards. After Sonny is killed by Barzini's men, Vito resumes control and brokers a peace accord among the families, during which he realizes that Barzini masterminded the attempt on his life and Sonny's murder. [3] Damone eventually dropped the role because he did not want to provoke the mob, in addition to being paid too little. Liebe niemals einen Fremden | Santino "Sonny" Corleone is a fictional character in Mario Puzo's 1969 novel The Godfather and its 1972 film adaptation. On the course of the trip, as part of Michael's revenge, Hagen strangles one soldato while the rower hits Russo and the other soldato with his oar. [7] Genco serves as Vito's most trusted adviser for decades, until he is stricken with cancer and can no longer fulfill his duties. This list of The Godfather actors includes any The Godfather actresses and all other actors from the film. Erdbeben | The Runaway Summer of Davie Shaw, Figuren, die der Familie Corleone angehören, “The tension is in the meetings in the underworld darkness; one gets the sense that this secret life has its own poetry of fear, more real to the men (and perhaps to the excluded women also) than the sunlight world outside.” (, Freiwillige Selbstkontrolle der Filmwirtschaft,, abgerufen am 1. This list below has a variety of actors in it, from Al Pacino to Robert De Niro. You can view trivia about each The Godfather actor on this list, such as when and where they were born. Al Martino, a then famed singer in nightclubs, was notified of the character Johnny Fontane by a friend who read the eponymous novel and felt Martino represented the character of Johnny Fontane.