When you want to accept the offer. That lets you explain yourself more clearly. https://woman.thenest.com/accept-job-offer-verbally-1583.html Accepting a job offer is exciting—but what if you have to decline the offer after you have already accepted? You have to know your value to employers as you begin your job search. I spent hours preparing what I’d say to my manager. Your reasons for not accepting the offer could be as simple as the company didn’t offer you the compensation you were seeking. Interviewing is a two-way street. It’s even worse if you start the job and decide you hate it from the outset. It was a wonderful experience and I’m so happy to be able to accept your job offer and start this journey with you. https://www.monster.com/career-advice/article/how-to-accept-job-offer-0830 Planning what to say when accepting a job offer will ensure you don’t forget to ask something important. Ask if there’s anything needed from you prior to the start date. As always, the best way to turn down a job offer after you’ve accepted it is by phone. And now the time has arrived—you’ve been offered the position! Before you pick up the phone or start drafting a carefully-worded email, there’s an important first step that you absolutely can’t skip: make sure you have zero doubts about the decision you’re making. Whether you’re faced with an offer that you’d never accept in a million years or one that you’d consider (if not for the other, better offer you also received), here’s how to craft a gracious “thanks but no thanks.” Step 1: Show Your Appreciation. I once took a job I didn't want as much because the second offer got delayed. as soon as you receive an offer. Say thank you Before you get down to business and start talking about the terms of your employment, thank your potential managers for the offer. Perhaps you received a better offer from another company shortly after accepting the first offer. The worst they can do is say no to your requests, and if you frame your argument strategically, you can end up in a much better position. It’s much harder to undo something than it is to take the time to be sure. Tip. They're excited to have you working for them, or they wouldn't extend you the offer. A verbal offer is nice, but a job offer is only as strong as the paper it's printed on. In other words, in most situations it’s generally unwise to renege on a job offer. Before you accept the job offer, there are a few things you need to consider. Say a company extends an offer to you but suddenly comes across a more qualified candidate. Your enthusiasm is important, so muster it even if you are not clear whether the job is right for you. Ask for a little time. You can negotiate a job offer and it's important to do so if the offer isn't close to what you want and deserve. The best way to accept a job offer is to apply an ethical approach. Say you accept the offer. Notify your boss that you’re accepting a job offer. But I wound up meeting people who became dear friends – and found my next job through someone in the less-preferred company. The HR Digest has a checklist of sensible questions to ask before you accept a job offer. It’s much better to actually talk about these things rather than keep sending e-mails back and forth. And before you say, “But my dream company…!” remember that, ideally, your dream job will continue to exist for many years.