These can be separated and potted in the following steps… Plant Care. This method of propagation is much easier and has much higher success rates than the leaf cutting propagation. It is one of the most popular types of succulent in the Haworthia family. How to care for Zebra Haworthia succulent: To care for Haworthia fasciata “Zebra Plant” grow it in partial sun and plant it in a well-draining cactus potting soil. Zebra haworthia (Haworthiopsis attenuata) is a small succulent that is native to South Africa. There are around 80 species of Haworthia! With that said, if your Zebra succulent is turning yellow then you definitely have a problem on your… Read More »Zebra Succulent Yellowing 5 Reasons Why Haworthiopsis attenuata does not tolerate wet feet. Direct sun can burn the leaves. Growers often compare Haworthia to Aloe, which is in the same subfamily of plants. Haworthia Propagation through Division of Offsets In time, most Haworthia species produce offsets (little baby clones of the parent plant). Haworthia coarctata. Bright direct to indirect light. Care Like most succulents, Haworthiopsis attenuata prefer soil with adequate drainage, such as cactus mix or fast-draining potting soil mixed with sand. You can easily propagate their pups by separating them at the roots and replanting to expand your mini indoor jungle. Repot your Haworthia in the spring, after it has outgrown its previous container. Water every 2–3 weeks. Haworthia is a genus of succulent plants native to the southern parts of Africa. About Zebra Haworthia. During the growing season, from spring to autumn, it can be deep watered. If you think that your animal is ill or may have ingested a poisonous substance, contact your local veterinarian or our 24-hour emergency poison hotline directly at 1-888-426-4435. Not all plants in the genera have the window pane leaves with their opaque fleshy leaves and rich green interiors; the majority of the plants in the genus are small succulents with a low growth habit and similar cultivation requirements. Haworthia flowers are unremarkable but do attract pollinators in their native Southern Africa. Haworthias are usually small rosette forming plants with fleshy leaves that are hard in some species and softer, with transculent window like tops in others. It’s similar to the beloved aloe vera plant, but has a little more personality. ... Haworthia reinwardtii. Haworthia are able to tolerate low, indoor light, making them excellent houseplants, even for beginners. With distinctive white bumps that line the outside of their leaves, they tolerate low light and infrequent watering, making an excellent plant for beginners. The common name comes from the horizontal white bumpy stripes that contrast with the green foliage. Haworthia, the adorable “polka-dotted” succulent, is one very easy to plant to care for. Haworthia fasciata, known also as Zebra Haworthia or Zebra Plant, is a perennial flowering succulent so named because of the distinctive, horizontal, white, zebra looking stripes on the outside of its leaves. The usual size of zebra plant ranges from 2 in (4 cm) to 8 in (20 cm) tall. With the exception of the hot summer weeks from mid-July to mid-August with temperature above 30 °C (86 °F). However, its leaves tend to curve inward, and its growth habit is taller. SOIL. They were "discovered” by Europeans in the 1600s and brought to … It can thrive in pots, in the ground, and even indoors in a decorative arrangement so long as you care for it well. Handle the plant with care, and use fresh potting soil in the new pot. Always repot your haworthia cooperi in spring or early summer, and never use a pot more than one or two sizes bigger than the original pot. Its leaves are thin, and dark green with horizontal white ridges that resemble zebra striping. Like Aloe, Gasteria, and Astroloba, they are members of the family Asphodelaceae. Zebra succulent care is easy because Haworthia thrive on neglect, making them perfect plants for beginners. The Zebra cactus needs average humidity. Haworthia attenuata also usually has longer, skinnier leaves. Flowering & Fragrance: The plants tend to bloom in the springtime. It’s like the Zebra name is given to anything that has white stripes on it and thus, the name Zebra plant can be quite misleading. The Haworthiopsis family contains many species, but attenuata is the one most often grown. Haworthia reinwardtii (Zebra Wart) Zebra Wart is a similar succulent with horizontal white stripes. Previously known as. Grow in temperatures between 65°F and 80°F (18°C – 26°C). Plant Bio Haworthia are hardy succulents that are so closely related to gasterias and aloes that they can cross breed with each other freely to form hybrids. Varieties like Zebra cactus, Pearl Plant, and Star Window Plant looks simply stunning in mini pots. Water the plant to help it settle in its new home (SFGate). Haworthiopsis Attenuata ‘Zebra Plant’ do best in areas that receive plenty of bright filtered light. It makes a good indoor plant because it naturally grows in part shade, beneath taller shrubs. There is a great variety of plants within this genus. Whether you are looking to propagate or arrange in different pots for gift-giving, the striped detailing of this succulent makes it perfect for indoor terrariums and centerpieces.