An open bite may affect your appearance and may cause speech problems like having a lisp. Novena Medical Center, 10 Sinaran Drive Square 2, Singapore. Smilepoint offers student prices for braces to all full time students of primary schools, secondary schools and tertiary institutions, including polytechnics & universities. We know how confusing braces can be. As your teeth are bone, the two “prong-like” portions of your teeth are fittingly called the Alveolar Bones. This is because the gums need to get used to the extra bulk of the brackets on each teeth. Underneath your gums, you have a Periodontal Membrane, which shields the lower half of your teeth. Expat Dental. Self-ligating braces (2nd generation) use a ‘sliding door’ technique in which metal brackets are stuck onto the front of teeth, allowing the arch wire to slide back and forth without the need for rubber bands to hold it in place. Pay special attention to each individual tooth and the gum line around it. You can find out more about them here. Upper and lower impressions for study models, two large x-rays (frontal and side view) and initial screening. Braces DentalPlus offers student prices for braces to all full time students of primary schools, secondary schools and tertiary institutions, including polytechnics & universities. Invisalign, also known as invisible braces, is made of smooth plastic aligners that are virtually invisible, removable and fit comfortably over the teeth. Upper and lower braces placement. Painkillers like paracetamol can help alleviate the pain. LOCATION. Inclusive of upper and lower impressions for study models, two large x-rays (frontal and side view) and initial screening. Initial assessment/diagnostic investigation – $195, Routine dental treatment (scaling and polishing, fillings); if needed. The treatment usually takes one to two years, depending on the severity of the problem. While prices are generally all in the same vicinity, some orthodontists can offer braces for a lower cost than others, or have better payment plans. Effectively corrects speech defects due to poor teeth alignment. For the first few days of your braces treatment, it is advisable that you keep to soft food or food cut into small pieces. An underbite is a condition when your lower teeth and jaw protrude in front of the upper teeth. These are conventional type of braces and they consist of metal brackets stuck onto the front of teeth, elastic modules and an arch wire. While there is no one ‘best’ age to start treatment, it is recommended that the first orthodontic assessment is done by the age of 7. Treatment time varies depending on the complexity of the case. Do not wait until your next routine appointment as your treatment progress might be affected. technology such that there are no concerns associated with rubber bands, while still being less visible since they are tooth-coloured. Average Cost of Braces in Singapore While the average cost for braces is S$3,500 to S$6,000, we've seen some clinics offering as little as S$2,000 or as much as S$11,000. If the patient is deemed unsuitable for braces after the initial assessment, the records will be returned to you. Your teeth can bunch up, overlap and twist, sometimes getting pushed to the front of the back. Ceramic braces are tooth-coloured, making them less visible. DentalPlus offers student prices for braces to all full time students of primary schools, secondary schools and tertiary institutions, including polytechnics & universities. The bars and bands will then push it from the other side — creating enough space for the teeth to safely shift. For fixed braces, wearing a special mouth guard over your braces is advised during contact sports. Please call us at 6270 6800 to find out more. Any food I need to avoid when I do braces? Upper and lower impressions for study models, two large x-rays (frontal and side view) and initial screening. Develops your jawbone and helps correct problematic jaws in adulthood with the help of jaw surgery. It is mostly used for cosmetic reasons, such as straightening teeth or closing gaps. Patients in our clinic are therefore guaranteed a focused team that is knowledgeable about all aspects of orthodontic (braces) treatment. Braces have been around for 40 years and are time-tested to be effective in correcting a wide variety of conditions. If the patient is deemed unsuitable after the initial assessment, all the records will be returned to you. If extractions are needed, we will arrange separately. Please call us at 6270 6800 to find out more. One side of this membrane will stretch out, allowing the teeth to move. An excessive overjet is when your upper front teeth extend too far over your lower front teeth. The difference between the ceramic and metal braces is the colour of the modules. A crossbite is when you close your mouth and some of your upper teeth are sitting inside of your lower teeth – rather than on the outside like they normally would. A fee of $235.40 (includes GST) will be charged for the initial consultation package where we will collect diagnostic records for an in-depth assessment of your teeth conditions. Our dentists recommend starting orthodontic treatment at the age of 10 or 15 years old at the onset of puberty. Thereafter, the best age to get braces is 10 – 14 years old. To know more about how our braces in Singapore can help treat your teeth conditions, please book an appointment with our clinic for a consultation. For self-ligating ceramic braces, it uses the 2nd generation technology such that there are no concerns associated with rubber bands, while still being less visible since they are tooth-coloured. Learn the A-Zs with this glossary to help you better understand your treatment and also communicate more effectively with your orthodontist. Learn more here. This age group has the potential to benefit most from early assessment and intervention. In most cases of crooked teeth, a misaligned bite means that your teeth don’t meet properly and the uneven pressure could lead to premature wear-and-tear issues. The student price is also available at our other branch at Holland Village – … The student braces rate is applicable to all full-time students of local public and private institutions (International schools currently not included). With fixed braces, you should avoid these foods and drinks: It is extremely important that you put in time and effort to keep your teeth and braces clean to avoid problems such as dental decay and gum inflammation. There may also be some rubbing and abrasions against the cheek. Increase your self-esteem by improving your appearance. We will advise you on your suitability for braces. Fixed Braces may affect your ability to play wind instruments, but after some practice, one should be able to get used to. This depends on how the upper and lower teeth bite together, where the location of teeth crowding is, and the positions and directions of the teeth to be moved.