Presenting a new way to party together—virtually. How To Care For A Parlor Palm (Chamaedorea elegans) Bringing the tropics indoors has never been easier than with the addition of a Parlor Palm ( Chamaedorea elegans ). When it comes to cat palm care, it’s better to use too little fertilizer than too much. Fortunately, there are a few things you can do when caring for cat palm trees, such as: Tip! Cat palm trees love lots of bright light and can take some direct sun, but they are still relatively susceptible to burning. If you prefer to make your own mix, try a blend of 1 part potting soil, 1 part sand, and 2 parts peat moss, Use room-temperature, filtered or “aged” water (water left in an open container for several days to remove chlorine) if possible, Consistent moisture is ideal, but to be on the safer side, let the soil dry out a bit in-between waterings and water even less during the winter when the plant is dormant, To avoid root rot, always empty any excess water from the catch saucer under your plants, In spring and summer, feed a 20-20-20 liquid fertilizer, diluted to half strength every month. Whenever you do feed your plants, try to use only half of the recommended amount and don’t forget to dilute. Root rot can set in. They appear to be especially susceptible to spider mites, which thrive in low humidity. With little in the way of needs, the Christmas cactus and its cousins, the Easter cactus and Thanksgiving cactus, require little in the way of light and minimal water. It is native to Southern Mexico and Central America. Be sure to keep the plant away from drafts and sources of cold such as single-paned windows, as it really won’t tolerate being exposed to cold for extended periods of time. Resembling the antlers of a staghorn deer, these pet-safe plants have gained popularity as living works of art. They benefit from being fed once a month during spring and summer months, with a lull during fall and winter. In fact, their feet will often actually be submerged in flowing water. Also know that while these cat safe houseplants have proven nontoxic to cats, please remember every cat is unique. Be sure the pot is stable and well-weighted to keep a curious cat from tipping the plant. This list of 12 cat-safe and 13 cat-toxic plants doesn’t cover the whole of the plant kingdom. H/T: Někdy se jí u nás proto říká horská palma. The soil mixture doesn’t have to be anything fancy. Like the cat palm, the sago palm (Cycas revoluta) has a crown of glossy, shiny dark green fronds. It may sound like a reoccurring theme but … Cats and plants together help create a soothing household, but it’s our responsibility as cat lovers with a green thumb to keep everybody safe! There is no question as to whether or not the sago palm is poisonous: the sago palm is extremely toxic to cats. So, while not considered toxic to cats, the spider plant should still be hung or placed high. If possible, they should be placed near east or south-facing windows that receive plenty of sun (in the Northern hemisphere). With shades of pink, red, lavender, deep indigo, and cream, the African violet is easy to care for, but needs plenty of bright light to maintain its lovely blooms. This plant is great for houses with savage cats and brown thumbs. Some people may feed their plants once or twice during fall and winter while others don’t feed at all. What Happens If Your Cat’s Health Problems Aren’t Treated In Time? Cat palms are found in southeastern Mexico along stream banks. Putting us in mind of deep forests and fairy gardens, ferns are primordial plants that remind us our wild roots. If you spray weed killer containing dipyridyl to keep the area around your cat palm weed free, your cat has a poor prognosis of survival if it ingests any weeds, including grass, coated in the herbicide.