WhatsApp. For that reason, mainline churches have viewed Celtic Christians with suspicion and, sometimes, outright hostility. It is solidly Trinitarian. We respect other peoples gods and religions, but their gods are not ours. We view the world as having three realms. Celtic expressions of the faith have been persecuted throughout history but is now enjoying a renewal of faith and interest. This name highlights Scotland's acknowledgment of their origins and past history. God is the head and the cosmos is His body. These local communities were ministered to by what we would today call Bishops and Deacons. As the Celts were spread all across Europe, many countries still acknowledge their past history. The Celtic Church has difficulties with what we consider to be the unbiblical Augustinian doctrine, which most 'mainstream' churches seem to follow in one form or another, that mankind is born inherently evil and deprived of God's Grace and further that only the 'elect' are saved. However, people still believe it! Alexander MacBain Idem, 64,65. Some theological points should be understood, since they are what truly separate use from many other Neopagan religions. These realms, Land, Sea and Sky, interact and meet in the center of the world. Celtic Christianity holds to a balanced view of the Biblical doctrines of free-will and predestination. There are many things that we do not know or have little information about; though we have to flesh out our system where we do not have any direct evidence of our ancestors ways we do not simply make up things. They were responsible for religious matters, but also held a civic role. The Ancient Celtic religion is a rich part of Europe's history and its existence is still evident today through the few relics, monuments/ statues and creative artworks and songs that have been preserved since the time. Being one with the creation does not erase the Creator/creature distinction, no more so than it is possible for the finger to do the work of the brain. Latin Christianity has tended to rely upon the strong arm of the state. Celtic Christianity tends to produce a love for nature. Click here to learn how Christianity got to England. We are not born guilty and cut off from God. We invite you to investigate it for yourself. Scotland, for example, has a football team based in Glasgow called 'Celtic F.C.'. Our ancestors, are both cultural and familial and we honor them, not only during ritual, but through living. These were not necessarily good or bad spirits but could react in a certain way, depending on how they were treated. Another important item to remember is that this is a religion. We do however  believe that there comes and age of accountability. Most of these gods aren't considered actual, just like the ancient Roman gods. Today an increasing number of people reject the thesis of a personified God and are still considered Christians. They are not impressed by great cities and the arts which are abstract and separate from life. If you as the reader feel that these points are unfair or strict, that's ok. Celtic Christians have always gravitated toward localism as a form of government. It disagrees with the Latin and Byzantine versions of Christianity, inherited from the Roman Imperial model, which attempt to force everyone into the same mold. The ancient Celtic religion is often referred to as "Druidism", and basic websearches on the ancient gods of Celts and Druids would bring up information on them. Celtic Christianity recognizes the ethnic character of the Church. Ostensibly, these doctrines were the focus of controversy between Augustine and Pelagius. Celtic Christians are fond of the small group and a liturgy which is an expression of personal faith. Create your own unique website with customizable templates. That failure produced a wounding in the nature of man which weakened his will but did not disable it. When we meet to honor the gods we also honor the spirits and our ancestors. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1FExIWex_vc. Historically, they dislike the modern notion of the nation-state. The early Druids were members of the Celtic priestly class. Specifically, Celtic Christianity refers to the branch of Christianity which was unique to the peoples of the Britannia, Scotland & Ireland.Originally, during the first generations of Christianity, all local churches were independent and there was no central governing organization.