Either a 144 Hz or 240 Hz, whichever fits your budget. But Windows has made significant improvements to its tool, so now there’s no need to use any others. tu peux aller sur une gtx 1060 6go et un ryzen 2600, [11:12:22] A place to discuss all things PlayStation 4 Pro (formerly PlayStation Neo). As soon as you log into an online game, you’ll soon hear the whiny voices of your teammates. Pre aim. From what I’ve read on the subject, if you set you fps higher than the hz of your monitor it can cause screen tearing and could overwork your gpu. i love pc gaming and it is my dream. Ceux qui disent qu'ils sont à 240 avec une 1060 je veux bien voir, Le 21 janvier 2019 à 17:43:08 Adam3Jours a écrit : I check your site everyday! You will see your graphics card listed under the display adaptors. Discussion. So now you’ve completed optimizing your video settings in Fortnite. Or just above 144? This is basically a filler text telling you everything about nothing. However, if you’ve tried all the above steps and are still experiencing unusual FPS drops or stuttering then I have one more thing for you to try: Dynamic Ticks are a feature that lets windows stop the system timer when nothing is happening in order to conserve power. Otherwise, you can click the Optimize button and once the process completes the stats should say 0% fragmented. It’s a common mistake. In Guides by Kr4mJuly 6, 201943 Comments. Fortnite doesn’t automatically take advantage of your extra CPU cores. There are no upgrades for his CPU or GPU to improve his FPS. Mais disons qu'un 3700x avec une 5700xt ça fait plutôt bien le taff! Doing so, will not only get you killed but also your team. Après je ne suis pas contre de bons conseils aussi. Then I turn it all off in a few minutes and play the actual game on my PS4 for the next few hours. They can hold a position down so that their teammates can flank. Here is a good example: Most players first-starting out in shooter games think that the best way to play is to keep on running. It’s not rocket science to work out that a fast-paced gaming style is better suited to a faster setting. Warm-Up Before Getting Into Competitive Games Discussion. Why should I set “Frame Rate Limit” to 60 FPS in Fortnite just because my monitor is 60 Hz, which gives me worse FPS? https://blurbusters.com/gsync/gsync101-input-lag-tests-and-settings/14/, hey, are some of this settings work on laptop? As before season 9 i did not get any stutter problem but after season 9 i started getting them. Try to practice keeping the recoil under control when firing. The brand is Horri. Update, Low Latency Mode should only be enabled if your GPU is throttled. If it’s set to “On” then it’s 1 maximum pre-rendered frame. Close • Posted by 1 minute ago. Some might be good at spraying, some might be better-used conservatively. Good communications don’t have to stop at the mic. Forget them 360-degree noscopes! Now is a great time to get yourself onto the latest version of Windows, so you don’t get stuck when Windows needs to install itself later. Trigger stops or SSTs will help you fire your gun quicker. Kr4m i have a nvidia 610m ,intel core 3630QM and 4 gb of ram (on a laptop ) if this doesnt work can you give me some advice. The program is free and all you have to do is go to the Malwarebytes website and click the free download button. You really dont need to have everything on epic. The only way to check it is to look up performance analysis videos. So I was missing out on some extra performance and FPS. 1. The negative with a slower setting is that it’ll make turning on the enemy more difficult. Because the tickless mode is known to cause issues on some systems when gaming. Check out these pro controllers to help you bring your gaming to the next level: You can also check out our tournament controllers in our shop. The several aiming modes are great for precision and now I can look where I want, not where I can, so I wouldn’t lose the direction I’m interested in. I’m currently using a 60 Hz monitor, but if I lock “Frame Rate Limit” option in Fortnite settings to max 60 FPS that prevents the game from using any higher FPS and it’s a noticeable decrease in smoothness when playing. But so many players are experiencing FPS drops and lower FPS than they should be getting in Fortnite Chapter 2, and this is not good. Having my textures on high has made my game a lot more stable thankyou. While the instructions might differ depending on whether you play on PC, PS4, Xbox One, or Nintendo Switch, we’ve got you covered. But you’re not going to really be able to see those frames, since you’re restricted by your monitor display rate. Disponible à l’achat ou en téléchargement sur : Les dieux seront bientôt parmi vous avec la Wootbox du mois de Novembre ! As a result, it is always a good idea to try out of all of the different guns available in the game and then see which one suits your style the most.