What matters is doing it consistently across the lifetime of the application. Winston formats explained The console module is usually the first tool Node.js developers reach for when handling logging in an application. Logs can be displayed on the console and written to a file while working with Node.js.Here in this tutorial, we will learn how to create create a logger which keeps track of Request, Response, Errors and Time while building an ExpressJS application in Javascript/Typescript . Winston provides a simple method to log exceptions. Winston is a famous nodejs library for logging. The basic power of those tools might be attractive enough for you to consider switching. Step 1. winston.error("Call to undefined method stringToFloat"); Alternatively, you can use the following syntax: winston.log("error", "Call to … 1. Depending on the process context, the asynchronous nature of logging can lead to lost log messages if not handled properly. I am confused by winston. We also need different kinds of configuration like standard format, JSON output format to send to ELK stack, and these are not available in console out of the box. We added a Console transport in the array, so Winston can log to the terminal. '); the console remains empty. If you don't want log to the console you have two options. So let’s break it down. Remove it: winston.remove(winston.transports.Console); Or instantiate your own logger: var logger = new (winston.Logger)({ transports: [ new (winston.transports.File)({ filename: 'somefile.log' }) ] }); And use your new logger: logger.log('info', Defaults to process.stdout; Let’s look at an example of Morgan with Winston logger into an express based Node.js application. Unfortunately, developers have different assumptions about what logging is used for, and some simply do not realize its importance. This doesn't work because, unlike console.log(), the winston's logger.(message) takes only one parameter called message. I am using the following typescript code to log onto the console in my *.ts file: import { Logger, LoggerInstance } from "winston"; const logger:LoggerInstance = new Logger(); logger.info('Now my debug messages are written to the console! There are no compile errors or other issues. That message parameter is either an object or a string (someone correct me if I'm wrong but that's my understanding).. To overcome all these issues we will use Winston logging framework, there are few other options are also available like Bunyan, Pino, etc. It provides so many customisation and is easy to use. That’s where logging libraries for NodeJS become quite useful. I know, I know… too much info here. Winston Library But then you might stumble upon a logging framework like Winston or Bunyan. Firstly, we added a transports array in our Winston options object, which from now on will contain all transports that will be used by Winston. Install the Winston node package with the Node package manager Logging Exceptions. I am going to use the framework fortjs with es6 syntax, but you can use any framework. By default, it outputs to the console, so let’s define a stream function into Winston so that we can transfer morgan’s output into the Winston log files. At the end of this read, you will be able to create a custom logger using the Winston npm library and add transports where logs will … Why we need a logging library like Winston? stream: Output stream for writing log lines. We also set the following formats. Logging to NodeJS Console Using a Library: Winston, Node-Bunyan, & Tracer. It allows a custom message to be added for simple log analysis and debugging. Winston adds the Console transport by default. In this tutorial, we will discuss how to correctly perform logging on NodeJS. It's easy to use, native to the platform, and easy to read. Writing diagnostic information to the console or a log file isn’t difficult. We will start from simple console logs, moving to more advanced features, one step at a time.