Endomycorrhizae is an arbuscular mycorrhiza, meaning it penetrates the walls of the plant roots in addition to growing around the roots. The healthier the roots, the bigger the fruits. This means that they work together to keep each other healthy. With RootBoost™ Rooting Hormone, you can give your plant cuttings a boost. Starting new plants with cuttings from your favorite garden ornamentals can be as simple as snip, dip and plant. There you have it, the reasons why you should be using a root booster in your garden. Ectomycorrhizae on the other hand, mainly benefit Conifer and Oak trees. It establishes root systems and nourishes healthy, vibrant growth at the same time that it conditions the soil and optimizes microbial chemistry. Root Riot Plant Starter CubesRoot Riots For Plant Propagation. Establishing a healthy root system is key during the vegetative stage of plant growth. Barrel (55 Gallon), Quart (32 oz), Gallon (128 oz), 2.5 Gallon (320 oz), 5 Gallon (640 oz). They will not penetrate the root cell walls. Use a sharp, sterilized knife or pruner to take 4- to 6-inch cuttings from soft stems or new, immature woody stems. |  ©2018 GARDENTECH, INC. All trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Established plants and their roots are not affected. Mycorrhizae is a beneficial, or good, root fungus. With RootBoost™ Rooting Hormone, you can give your plant cuttings a boost. 4. The N and P in the NPK formula. RootBoost™ product stimulates root development on cuttings and encourages uniform root growth that translates into vigorous, well-rooted new plants. To ensure a plant is getting the maximum amount of nutrients and water, adding a plant root booster product will help the plant achieve its maximum growth potential. A plant root booster, such as Clonex Root Maximizer, a mycorrhizae fungus product, expands the overall reach of a plant’s roots. In exchange, the plant gives carbohydrates, minerals, and vitamins to the mycorrhizae. Read the product label and follow application instructions thoroughly. The core of Root Boost is a blend of ultra-pure freshwater humic, fulvic, amino, and other organic acids complexed with extracts from 9 species of sea plants. Do not return it to the original container or you risk contaminating the rest of the product. To ensure a plant is getting the maximum amount of nutrients and water, adding a plant root booster product will help the plant achieve its maximum growth potential. Starting new plants with cuttings from your favorite garden ornamentals can be as simple as snip, dip and plant. What Is a Root Booster? Mycorrhizae in particular, help the plant uptake more of two important nutrients for plants, Nitrogen and Phosphorus. Endomycorrhizae benefit the majority of plants, whether they’re vegetables, fruits, herbs or flowers. It’s during this time that most of a plant’s growth is going to happen. Boost plants' foliar and root development by using a fluorescent tube light or specialized plant grow light for 12 to 16 hours a day. Mist and water, as needed, to keep cuttings hydrated and rooting medium moist while roots grow. It works by enveloping the plant roots and creating an extended reach for the roots. Use only on ornamental cuttings. Root Boost is an advanced carbon and phosphorus complex supplemented with a consortia of bacteria and fungi. Do not mix with water. Root Boost significantly improves root growth by delivering a precise blend of organic building blocks that plants depend on to form healthy and adventurous root systems. Discard any rooting hormone remaining in the shallow dish when finished. From enhanced nutrient uptake to protection against pathogens, a mycorrhizae product such as Clonex Root Maximizer will give your roots the boost they need. The relationship between a plants roots and Mycorrhizae can encourage plant growth and stimulate root development. Tap to remove any excess. In addition, the mycorrhizae can aid in making the plant more resilient to disease and other stresses such as drought. RootBoost™ Rooting Hormone SDS Label - Spanish, Enough rooting hormone for hundreds of cuttings. The core of Root Boost is a blend of ultra-pure freshwater humic, fulvic, amino, and other organic acids complexed with extracts from 9 species of sea plants. Not all species benefit all plants, so it’s ideal to know the difference. Work during the active growing season for best results on most plant types. Do not overwater. Easy-to-use RootBoost™ Rooting Hormone simplifies plant propagation and boosts success with cuttings on your favorite plants including African Violets, Roses, Poinsettias, Philodendrons, Geraniums, Coleus, Woody ornamentals and more. Insert cutting at a slight angle into a tray of rooting medium, such as a light potting mix, perlite, sand or a commercial rooting mix designed especially for cuttings. MSDS Cut Sheet Typically, the relationship between a root booster and the plant’s root system is symbiotic. Typically, the relationship between a root booster and the plant’s root system is symbiotic. These molecules aid in enriching the soil and enhancing the soil’s structure. Moisten the end of a cutting slightly, and then dip it into the dish, thoroughly covering the tip and at least one exposed leaf node.