That means in each gram of starting material, there was 200mg of THC. What’s the best oil to infuse THC or CBD? Fresh or dry. To create an herb-infused oil using the ratio method, fill a dry, sterilized container with 1 ounce of dried herb(s) and pour 10 fluid ounces of room-temperature oil over the herb(s). You can use as little as a half a gram of flower. When THCA converts to THC the acid molecule (carboxyl group) is released, reducing the total molecule weight by 13%. For example, when you infuse a sativa flower into oil, you will end up with a “sativa-oil”! Bring to 90-100 degrees (this can be difficult to maintain with most kitchen equipment) or as low as possible. I also use my Ardent to produce the CBD Oil I take each morning and evening. This method is also called the water bath method. Let blend until the blender gets warm, about 5 minutes. Every oil we tested had an infusion rate of 80% or higher, and some over 90%. Many patients also utilize double boilers to create concentrates but we will focus on butters and oils today. Thank you for the awesome educational material and product! (Ratio = weight of herb:volume oil). The second cycle will pull the THC  or CBD from the plant and infuse it into the oil. Please keep us informed like this. How do I find previous questions and reply’s? Select an oil. Very impressed. A warm, sunny car can range from 100-200 degrees depending on the outdoor temps, sun exposure and where you place the oil (windshield, floor, shady spot). Double boilers are useful tools for melting chocolate and working with other sensitive materials, like butter and milk, that can easily scorch. After I blend it in the blender, I put it all in a mason jar and let it sit in the car for a few days, then strain it out. Bonus: It’s ready within one day! Making any product strain-specific is a pretty awesome benefit of infusing in your NOVA, and one our team loves to utilize in our own lives , This is great news. Should keep for 6-12 months. Infused oils made with fresh plant material are at a particularly higher risk of growing nasty critters. Decarb cannabis using a slow cooker, stove, or for maximum efficiency use the, Combine oil and plant material in the double boiler, Pour the oil or butter of your choice in the double boiler with your plant material, Remove double boiler from heat. Olive oil complements the flavor of herbs and garlic. 2. Otherwise, simply stir. Strain with cheesecloth or muslin. Shake daily. Choosing a good oil for the infusion isn’t too difficult. Infusion ratio, time, and temperature. Increase the speed. For example, you may put one tablespoon of dried herb for five tablespoons of base oil. In a glass container with a tight lid, mix dried herb with alcohol. Not herb to oil ratio, but rather herb to herb. Easier to have more potent, small doses than to have to use ALOT of butter for a regular dose. Strain through cheesecloth or muslin. I have some life altering health issues that respond well to cannabis. Slight variations in these … There are MANY methods for making an herbal oil. Lori. The proportion of flavoring material to oil and the temperature of the infusion affect how quickly the flavoring material will infuse into the oil. Now that you’ve learned how to decarb weed, you’re ready to tackle cannabis oil infusions. If you had 100g dried herb, you’d need 500mL oil. I just mix it in food as is. The flower was mixed with oil and placed in the decarboxylator. 1 day with alcohol & a blender (courtesy of Michael Moore). What the “stores” have (legal/medicinal etc.) Then, using a cheesecloth, coffee filter, or the Ardent Frainer (our funnel/strainer combo) separate your plant material from the oil. An EO is highly concentrated via distillation and requires an expensive still. *Dosing with edibles should start low (5mg) and then titrate up 5mg per 2-3 hours after your last dose to test and reach the appropriate dose. You may want to stick to infusing oils with dried herbs; however, some herbs are only useful when fresh (St. John’s wort, chickweed, plantain, cleavers). I have been using my NOVA to decarb, then using the Mighty Fast Herbal infuser to make oil, butter and recently tintcher. Thanks for sharing.|. If desired, filter again through a coffee filter, changing as needed. We love to hear from you guys, please drop us some comments below or visit us on our instagram so we can find out – we’ll be answering them all! The infused butter or oil can then be used to make any cannabis product, including THC and CBD oils and tinctures, gummies, brownies, and other edibles or giftable cooking oils. However, it can happen. Using a cheesecloth, strainer, or the. Quick answer to confirm that I can, and a link to this helpful page. I wasn’t sure how to decarb & infuse hash in my Ardent, so I dropped a quick mail to the support guys. You’re aiming for about 1:5 to 1:8 ratio for dry herb and 1:2 to 1:4 ratio for fresh. Your carrier oil serves as your base oil. This is more of a concern for oils that are consumed (basil or garlic oil, for example) than ones put on the skin, and it is not all that likely to occur. It has a rather heavy skin feel and it is an oil more common in soap making than in hair and skin care. Storing your cannabis flower in a cool, dark place before or after decarb is the first step to maximum potency. Most legal states limit dispensary doses to 10mg per dose, with 10 servings (100mg) per package. This means that when using this oil, instead of getting the effects of the expected 130mg dose of THC, you would only get 47mg. Oil (butter) floats. Infused oils can also be used “as is” for many health concerns – warmed mullein oil dropped in the ear for earaches, St. John’s wort oil applied along nerve pain or for bedsores, calendula oil on sore mama nipples, eczema, and rashes. So no matter how much butter you use, if you divide it into 14 even doses, each is 50mg. Follow the same procedure: decarb the kief or concentrate first, then mix with your butter, oil, or ghee to infuse. Decarb concentrate OR flower and 2. There are many ways to combine your plant material with fats like oil, butter, and ghee, to make your infused treats even tastier and more bioavailable than ever before. If you prefer the herb flavor predominate, use a milder oil such as canola oil. You’re aiming for about 1:5 to 1:8 ratio for dry herb and 1:2 to 1:4 ratio for fresh. I prefer solar infusions but have learned to take the extra measure of condensation release. Does that mean its ok to turn off the power 30 mins into the cycle with no harm to the machine? I really liked the glassware, funnel and screen set used in the video – possible you have a link to where that can be bought? However, you can choose whether you want to strain the kief out, or leave it inside. *Total Potential THC = THCA x .87 + THC. It’s actually a cool and helpful piece of info. I love you Ardent. Flower to oil ratio is another question we get all the time. It’s most important to make sure your herbs are always submerged in oil. Place all ingredients in a mason jar and leave in a warm spot for 2 weeks. It’s most important to make sure your herbs are always submerged in oil. While there was good infusion into the oil (80%), you can see the vast majority of the cannabinoids are still in the acid THCA form (almost 100mg). Strain through cheesecloth or a cloth to desired clarity. Wish i had known about it years ago. Each cannabis type (sativa, hybrid, indica), and more importantly strain, will have its own profile when it comes to effect which will translate into your infusions as well. Your email address will not be published. That’s why it’s necessary to decarb BEFORE you infuse. I can’t say a big enough THANK YOU ! We were excited with the results. That was the highest saturation point for this particular strain of flower in one ounce of oil (though you could get higher using more potent flower, concentrate or kief). Guessing the keif at 70% 1g = 700mg. Any oil or fat can be used, but ideally you want one that extracts well, keeps well, has its own healing properties, and poses a low risk for allergies. For how to make infused oil with fresh herbs, it’s best to dry the fresh herbs first. Natural Home Remedies for Your Medicine Cabinet. If you only keep two herbal oils in your pantry, make them calendula and St. John’s wort. When milk-fats start to rise, add a small spoon of corn starch and whisk it in. I choose fine Hemp that has been cultivated then harvested and aged and bottled for a time then lab tested. My infused medicines have become stronger while using less plant material. is just too compromised in quality or communication/knowledge of product. Like the crockpot method, the double boiler method helps maintain a layer of protection from direct heat; however, you’re limited to the temperature of boiling water, which can only reach 212 degrees F. The double boiler method also comes with intrusive aromas and fluctuating temperatures due to exposure to direct air throughout the infusion process, impacting the strength and quality of your final product. Keep scrolling to see infusion percentages of more oils and information on increasing and decreasing the potency. I have saved the cost of the device many times over in producing my own medicine. In my opinion, they’re the most useful and “miraculous.”. Using the alcohol intermediary infusion method or adding a preservative like vitamin E can help keep oils stable longer, but it will also make them unsuitable for eating. They’re more apt to pose health risks. In the table directly below, 2 grams of decarbed flower totaling 400mg of THC was placed inside a glass container with 1 ounce of oil and infused for 1 cycle.