If you aren’t in a rush and like to keep kitchen gear to a minimum, simply lay clean spinach out on a dry towel and gently place another clean dry towel on top of it. Your email address will not be published. Spread out clumps of kale over a large baking sheet, then place the baking sheet into the freezer. Put the spinach in a clean container. Regardless of what method you use to absorb moisture in your greens, if you notice it being wet and unable to absorb more liquid, it is time to switch it out to help the spinach from going to mush! Time enough to make two salads per day. Wait until you are ready to eat it, or until you want to wash it to prepare it for imminent use. You have come to the right place! So keeping the spinach I get during my weekly stock up fresh is a must for making sure I have a staple family veggie on hand for meals. Keurig Troubleshooting : How To Fix 17 Common Problems, The 5 Best Pizza Stones To Buy In 2019 (Reviews), 5 Tips For How To Keep Waffles From Sticking, Bar Keepers Friend Review: Uses & Ingredients. The two towels will absorb the most of the moisture and the air will do the rest of the work. The way the container is designed naturally keeps moisture that typically accumulates in a storage container from touching the spinach. Pick out fresh spinach according to the recipe you have in mind. If it’s in a bag or clamshell, check the expiration date and get the freshest possible. Because it’s generally cheaper to buy spinach in bulk, often a fair amount of your purchase goes to waste, as the leaves can turn dark and smelly quickly if not stored correctly. I won't be sharing your email with anyone else....no matter how nicely they ask. Let the spinach soak for a few seconds in the cold water. Storing spinach is easy. Store washed spinach as described above – wrapped in towels to absorb excess moisture, and in a sealed container. Perhaps your meal plans changed, or maybe you live a distance from a store and want to purchase in bulk so you have spinach on hand. This is best to store leafy vegetables such as spinach, lettuce and celery in refrigerator. In terms of portions, remember that spinach reduces when cooked, so if you’re wanting to cook it, you should buy more than you think you need. Your email address will not be published. If you have an extra large container, you might need more). Repeat the dunking and soaking a few times. Dunk the colander in water, swishing and soaking the spinach within the colander. Whatever the case, here are some ideas to prevent your spinach from getting slimy: Spinach is a dark, green, leafy vegetable, and as such it is an excellent source of a variety of vitamins and minerals. Taste a piece to ensure there isn’t any grit on it. Keep potatoes, onions, and tomatoes in a cool, dry place, but not in the fridge. Here are a few spinach storage tips that can help keep spinach fresh for longer. This is important because some recipes, especially those in which spinach is served raw, require young plants. When storing in the refrigerator, keep the spinach in the vegetable drawer. ; Avoid storing in plastic bags, especially if the spinach or the bag is wet. This will help avoid freezer burn. If the stalks are long you may keep the stalks immersed in a glass containing water. These will let the rot process start into the container and will cause the rest of your spinach to go bad much faster. Some a specifically designed for keeping veggies freshers as long as possible and others are more versatile and can be used for storing other foods. On the other hand, the container will make sure that the spinach does not move around excessively or is not crushed as it would be in a bag. It’s the moisture that makes it deteriorate and turn slimy. Fresh spinach will provide the greatest value of nutrients, but fresh spinach brings with it some extra considerations for the chef. Fill a basin or a bowl with cold water and let the spinach sit in it for a few minutes before washing it under running water. Green leaves are known to lose their freshness very quickly. Most people rinse spinach or other greens by running tap water over them. But, maybe you need a little inspiration on HOW to put that spinach to use in your family’s meals. I don’t know about you, but shopping every few days isn’t something I have time for. By tray freezing the kale, you can keep the leaves separate from 1 another, making it easier to remove and thaw some kale without thawing all of it. This method is more effective at cleaning as the immersion will loosen any dirt on the spinach more effectively than running water. Check out the stem of the spinach leaves to see if the plant is young or mature. This is personally what I use and love that I can use the container for foods other than just greens. Or be super-efficient and use the spinner as part of the washing and drying process: As you dry each batch of spinach, place it on the towels or paper towels. Store spinach in a crisper if possible as it keeps the temperature and moisture more controlled than the rest of the fridge. That way there is enough towel to absorb the moisture from the large amount of spinach. And just my list. Here is a more effective method of washing your spinach: If you’re washing a large amount of spinach, keep an eye on the water. Get veggies into EVERY meal with my ebook! If you are using an extra large container (such as the big plastic tub many people buy spinach in) put half of the dry spinach on top of the paper towels lining the container and then add a second layer of paper towels on top. Drain the water and remove excess moisture by twisting the spinach. In a cold cellar, they can keep for several months. Fresh Herbs wrapped in paper towel and then put in a plastic bag keep nicely for up to a week. Spinach is okay out at room temperature for a while, but to keep it fresh and slow the rotting process, you definitely want to store it in the fridge for the week. Buying the freshest possible spinach and washing and storing it correctly are your key ways to ensure you enjoy your purchase to the fullest, enabling you to make a variety of foods with this delicious and versatile green. Well, the most obvious way is to eat it as soon as possible, preferably within a few days. Moisture can speed up the decaying process. If you aren’t going to use it right away, don’t wash it. This can be a sealable bag, a sealed bowl, or even the clamshell you purchased it in. Wrap it in clean paper towels, or in a clean tea towel. Plus, it is something many people in many places can easily find at their grocery store all year round. Here’s a look at some key components of purchasing, washing and storing spinach, so you can enjoy Popeye’s favorite food anytime you want. Wash your fresh spinach right before you cook it. Frozen spinach stays good for up to 14 months. Once you’re done dunking and soaking the spinach, drain using a colander, and then lay it out on paper towels or clean towels. If it turns murky, empty the sink, wash it out and refill it. Wrap it in clean paper towels, or in a clean tea towel. The paper towels (or any clean towel) works so well for us. Freeze the kale on a tray to keep the leaves separate. Without further ado – let’s take a look at how to store spinach. Once you have washed the spinach, taste a leaf. This is especially true for spinach lovers. You have the choice to buy it in bunches, bags or clamshells (plastic containers). Here are some of my favorite (and readers’ favorite) spinach recipes. Required fields are marked *, Copyright © 2020 Cooking Chew on the Cookd Pro Theme Excess moisture causes the spinach to turn slimy. You can store it in the fridge as well as the freezer. Store the spinach in the crisper for up to seven days. I help busy people fall in love with healthy eating with my simple, family-friendly, veggie-loaded recipes. There are TONS of containers to store your spinach in. However, a question that I often have sliding into my email and DMs on Instagram is how to properly store spinach so that it doesn’t wilt or get mushy in just a few days. Fresh spinach can last for up to a week in the fridge. When cleaned as instructed…the spinach has stayed fresh for at least a week. It is best to divide spinach into portions before freezing it. Then let it hang out for a bit. This can be a sealable bag, a sealed bowl, or even the clamshell you purchased it in. It’s important not to eat it if it spoils, so discard any darkened or “slimy” textured leaves. Layer the remainder of the spinach on top of that. (check out spinach-loaded recipes for kids). Your email address will not be published. Excellent information here. Dry remaining spinach if it isn’t already dry, and put it back in the fridge. You can wrap the vegetables in paper towel and store in plastic bags. If you bought a large supply, or you’re doing prep ahead of time, proper storage is key: If you aren’t eating the spinach regularly, check on it every day or two. If you wash spinach before storing it, it is advisable to use a salad spinner to dry it first and then store it. How to keep spinach dry I personally don’t wash my spinach until right before I use it so that I don’t introduce any extra moisture to the leaves. Many people find a Salad Spinner (affiliate link) to be a great tool to help get all greens (not just spinach) super dry. If you notice even a slight hint of grit, repeat the process. If you use plastic bags to store green vegetables, it is best to use bags which have few holes to allow air keep the vegetables fresh. Once you have subscribed, you will receive an email asking you to confirm. Here are some telltale signs of spoiled spinach. It can vary based on how fresh the spinach is when you buy it, but this method almost always keeps my spinach fresh in the fridge for 5-7 days (and sometimes longer). The first step to enjoying spinach is to search out the freshest spinach possible. The more the leaves get banged and bumped, the quicker they will spoil. It will help absorb excessive moisture. Spinach freezes at around 32°F. They give off quite a bit of ethylene (except for Fuji and Granny Smith), so keep them away from other produce, unless you want that produce to ripen quickly, such as hard avocados, pears or Hachiya persimmons. Can You Microwave Styrofoam – Is It Safe? Here are tips, tricks and storage hacks for keeping this healthy leafy green fresh for days! With some trial and error, you will figure out the best method for you. Look for leaves that are dark green, feel crisp and have a nice, fresh aroma. © 2020 KITCHENSANITY • KitchenSanity™ is a trademark of KitchenSanity.com. #CookingChewTribe, Your email address will not be published.