That's why I built constate. In addition to writing a lot of unnecessary code we would also give each component properties they will never use, which undoubtedly would become a huge mess. Learn to code for free. Agile Redux absolutely has its use cases and advantages. This is my personal opinion and mainly for new apps. A global state would solve this by keeping a state at the top level and provide access methods to all child levels without the need to pass props. I just released a new version. See what we're up to by subscribing to our newsletter. Pretty neat right? It rapidly became very popular, which led many developers to thinking they had to use it. The questions are many. The library can be quite overwhelming at first glance and seem challenging to wrap your head around – at least it was for me. Redux is a comprehensive tool that is great for larger apps. That's why I built constate. Now we will create a StateProvider component with the useReducer hook, this takes two values as arguments, a reducer function and an initial state and then returns a new state. Bekk is all about craftmanship and the people crafting it. This is known as the React Context API and it can be a bit tricky to learn. I either needed to have some sort of global state manager like Redux, or I needed to move Popover.Container up in the tree in a common parent and pass the props down until they touched both button and Popover . However, Redux introduces more complexities with actions, reducers and a store, requiring a lot of extra code for setting up a global state. Another significant drawback is all of the tools Redux gives you out-of-the-box – such as DevTools, middlewares and large community support. Even though this solution moves away from having a single global context, it is a very interesting approach to manage state natively in React. Is the expectation that I would need to declare the 15 object properties and associated update functions in both the user context and the user provider? Hence, it’s not recommended to use a context for multiple purpose. Once you realize that you do need centralized state, then use Redux or use Context, whatever floats your boat (but as I said I don't really see how Context is that much simpler than Redux). I find the context API hard to understand at first so I decided to make a basic intro into using it. Since I’ve put lots of effort in this domain, Those four added lines don't tell you much. What So, you have created a new JavaScript app? If you are using React.js, you are probably familiar with Redux. You should stick with this.setState without abstractions as long as you can. Looks like miodrag is having a similar issue. This means that we can compose it to create a new derived state component, such as AdvancedPopoverContainer, with new initialState and actions. Now we will create a StateProvider component with the useReducer hook, this takes two values as arguments, a reducer function and an initial state and then returns a new state. Luckily the good people over at React saw that a lean global state management  tool was something that React needed and with React  16.3 they introduced the context API. The component needs to wrap around all components that share state. Besides components themselves, I wanted to provide helpers to handle their state. However, you have obvious drawbacks with this approach. Next, we create a UserProvider component that will serve as the parent component to hold and manage the shared state. First, the user context is created using createContext(). Finally, we export a UserConsumer component which will allow components to access the shared state. All comments were favorable to render props, which eventually made me turn all HOCs in reas into components with render props: Popover.Container was a regular React component class with a toggle method using this.setState to change this.state.visible. If we pass useContext the store we exported it returns state and dispatch. Let's see how PopoverContainer would look with constate: Now we can wrap our component with PopoverContainer so as to have access to visible and toggle members already passed by Container to the children function as an argument. Containers Again, inspired by options 2 and 3 by Abramov, we can wrap our components by containers that filter out undesired global state updates. There are several libraries to support multiple contexts First, you’ll discover eight ways to handle state in React apps. I'm understanding ReactJS code more the more I look at it. The purpose of this article is not to leave Redux for dead – cause it’s definitely not. With constate we just need to pass a context prop to Container: Now, every Container with context="popover1" will share the same state. Of course, you can always handle states separately in their own component. State is the context you created. But this sounded like a terrible idea. From React’s own docs they say that Context provides a way to pass data through the component tree without having to pass props down manually at every level. Yes, sometimes it can be refreshing to try something new or use an alternative way ... if we didn't think like that then we'd still be doing COBOL with punch cards. Contexts don’t have to be application-wide and they can be used Think of this as an equivalent to the component in our earliest example. Let me show you with some code. The username is retrieved from the UserConsumer component that is being exported from user-context.js. Is Python? You might be thinking that starting a project with something like constate could also be a premature optimization. Actually I could make the opposite argument: if you start out with "Context" because your app is 'simple', and later on you realize (as you said) that you'd better use Redux because your app has become more complicated, then you'll have to rewrite all of your context-based code to Redux. In this case, we'll provide a form for the user to update their username. Thinking, Prime Numbers Let’s open a React project in your favorite code editor and create a javaScript file called Store.js in your src folder. Ok, so you see there are two steps: store the data and get the data. For moderate to large apps, it is likely that a single event Don't reach for Context or anything global if your components don't need that yet. As an experienced programmer and web developer, I found this article extremely useful for understanding the basic concepts of the context API. For people that use React, Redux might be familiar when coming to dealing with states. The reducer defines a set of actions and how the state should be updated depending on the action type. Table SQL, Responsive It is quite rigid in its design and requires a lot of boilerplate code to get going. Hi, do you wish help me in next problem. It’s time to introduce some libraries. A provider component wraps the entire app to manage shared state. And when you need to use it, you just need to “go to the store”, and get the stuff you want. But, if you're planning to grow, you should look for simple implementations that are also easy to scale. Should we use Redux? In your example, you're only managing a single state attribute but to use another example, what if I needed to track 15 attributes/object in global state. This way we can access useStore everywhere. A simple example that shows a Redux-like state management tool without the boilerplate. That means a lot to hear that Nick, thank you. forEach, Create You should find a good balance between simplicity and scalability. If you have data that undergoes lower frequency updates such as authentication or preferred language, React Context may be the best option for  you. This keeps my mind sane and prevents me from having to refactor my code every single day with cool new libraries. I think most people jump on the Redux hype train, realize that they over engineered their apps, and then look for simpler options. Especially since the alternative solutions (based on context or whatever) also tend to increase in complexity with time, and finally you end up with something like ... Redux! But again, if your goal is just to connect all of your components and you can do without much of the fanciness of Redux, I find this solution to be quite reasonable, fast and practical. From React’s own docs they say that Context provides a way to pass data through the component tree without having to … Nice article and working on refactoring a simple app away from prop drilling. We're a place where coders share, stay up-to-date and grow their careers. I'll probably do a follow-up for Hooks in the future, but Eduardo's post looks great. Our mission: to help people learn to code for free. could make more sense for moderate apps. For this application we will just return the Provider. the official react-redux is about to release its hooks API. I've learned to look at all that stuff that gets hyped up, especially the stuff brought up by the JavaScript community, with a critical eye. However, I don’t want to use this on my Gatsby app because I am not handling too much global data. Redux also isn't that hard to understand or use, and it's a well known pattern. A real world app would probably need several more states and actions. Luckily the good people over at React saw that a lean global state management tool was something that React needed and with React 16.3 they introduced the context API. react-redux is a bit more complex. Even before that, inspired by Michael Jackson and his great talk, the React community started to adopt render props over HOCs. So, in which scenarios would you recommend using Context rather than React? React's new context API comes in handy to solve this issue. In my previous post, I introduced a library called react-context-global-state. Let’s create a simple app to demonstrate how to set up a store that gives us access to the global state anywhere in the app. In combination with the useContext and useReducer hooks we can create a global store that manages the entire app’s state and supports convenient ways to update the state throughout the app regardless of how deep the component tree goes. PDF To show what this could look like we are going to use a simple counter example. Design, JavaScript A global provider wraps your React tree. I like that your post goes more into how to create a store. This is something I have been struggling with a lot lately. Perhaps Redux or another state library is the solution, but the codebase isn't big enough for me to worry about it yet. To pass the username down to it, we need to do what is known as "prop drilling": This can get extremely tedious as we add more state and nested components. Also, React v16.3.0 introduced a new context API, replacing the old unstable one, using render props. Open source and radically transparent. So I personally don’t want to set up everything for this library just to handle one user state. However, Redux introduces more complexities with actions, reducers and a store, requiring a lot of extra code for setting up a global state. Showing examples of how I personally did it "the wrong way" and then showing the simpler way I think resonates with a lot of developers. videos, articles, and interactive coding lessons - all freely available to the public.