Do you have an old or antiquarian book and would like to know its value? Usually, if a one is present in the line then it’s a first edition. A beaten-up old book that is falling apart will have little value. When searching on it's important to find copies that match the book in your possession as accurately as possible. If you do decide to sell your copy, it may be months, or even years before the right collector comes along. color: #000; We use cookies to remember your preferences such as preferred shipping country and currency, to save items placed in your shopping cart, to track website visits referred from our advertising partners, and to analyze our website traffic. margin: 50px auto 40px auto; To make matters more confusing, each time a new publisher releases an instance of the same title or a book is released in another format they may also describe their book as a first edition (for instance, the Penguin Classics first edition or the first paperback edition). url = ""; Question: "What is the purpose of First and Second Chronicles? (function(){ position: absolute; The confusion around first editions is illustrated by 1984 by George Orwell. The line sequence could ascend or descend or even have no discernable order depending on the publisher. } You probably don't need to include every word of the title and author's name. Common books like the works of William Shakespeare, prayer books, bibles and encyclopedias were printed in huge quantities during the Victorian era and usually have little value. text-align: center; The general consensus is that the red issue is the true first but no-one has proof. First edition background-color: #f9f9f9; Option: Enter a price range to help narrow your results. Tolkien. The second death is also mentioned in Revelation 20:14-15: “Then death and Hades were thrown into the lake of fire. host = ""; So if you haven’t seen the film yet, and don’t want it ruined, please don’t read on. Why repeat information already recorded in 1 and 2 Samuel and 1 and 2 Kings?" } AbeBooks is very useful for finding an approximate value of a book but don't use that value for insurance purposes. If possible identify the book's date of publication. You might think it's a rare and valuable book but don't know where to find its value? left: 0; right: 0; The publisher may actually state the words ‘first edition’ or ‘first printing’ on the copyright page. If you find that the date on the copyright page matches the date on the title page, then it is probably a first edition. }()); The Hobbit - First Edition by J.R.R. display: block; If you are having difficulty understanding some of the terms used by rare booksellers, refer to our glossary, which also includes a guide to used book conditions and book sizes. border-color: #53184a; It is common to see booksellers describe these later first editions as a ‘first edition thus.’. is an online marketplace for new, used, rare and out-of-print books, and we have millions of secondhand and rare books listed for sale by booksellers around the world. To shed a little more light, the first time a publisher releases a new book all copies of that book that are printed without major changes can be considered a first edition. url = ""; ResponsiveHelper.init(isResponsive, isStaticPage, host, url, true); Identifying a first edition is no simple matter. Most 19th century publishers placed the date of publication on the title page but that practice faded out after 1900 and the date became appearing on the copyright page. .box-icon WARNING: There are some SPOILERS ahead for Red Sparrow. text-align: center; .box-cta p November 12, 2020: Biblio is open and shipping orders. Condition means everything in a book's value. Considered the true first edition, over the US edition. You might decide to offer your copy to a reputable local bookseller instead of selling it on your own. The easiest way to know how much your copy of a book is worth on the open market is to check on how much similar copies are currently being offered for. Alex Alice is a French graphic novel writer and artist, working in France and sometimes... Alexis Frederick-Frost. (All first editions). Please provide at least one of author, title, keyword, or publisher. (function(){ Dust jackets. You can now probably understand why there is so much debate about first editions. border: 1px; You can narrow down the search results by selecting the filters in the search results to see only Hardcovers, First Editions, Signed Copies, etc. Search carefully and avoid spelling mistakes. margin: auto; font-size: 32px; text-decoration: none; Read more here. Use the search box above - begin by completing the title and author fields. A first edition signed by the author will have even greater value. If you really need a documented estimate of a book's value (for probate or insurance purposes) then visit your local rare bookshop and pay for a formal appraisal. 1984 First UK hardcover edition Secker & Warburg, 1949. The lake of fire is the second death. AbeBooks has been part of the rare book world since going live in 1996. If there are two or more books described as a first edition, then a collector will want to know which one is superior. Scroll through the listings and read how the booksellers have described the books.