with the clang of toy guns, loose change. chains. a rain of cheers. Vanessa Kisuule shared a video on Twitter of her poem Hollow, which was inspired by the toppling of the slave trader's statue in Bristol on Sunday. r�R�3V{o�8v���0�X"i�ᕪXm��-x�.����2InX���5d��В:,�A�bYJ.�G��)�G��F�c*���Һ����B��!��6�Ӫ_��)nA�B��Q�TXB.�_�Ł�J&��SZ���w�A�sH� h�^�nh_�q#�,���ȱ�,� h���1��z+'���T��!�s��=@�! corkscrewed, then met the ground. Cornelis Saftleven, detail from College of Animals (1655) You came down easy in the end. ?Y�[4^�M����y�X. �S�V(��s.03�.#Ц)�v�5g�G4�J��vgl�2|fŒMs��� �_��e��p�Sx�.q3�[��3�F�%�&�TH�*Ԣ�j�3,DV�Mb�b�Zt�HX�ňhh�e $GX)c��:Kš�`"QztIa7f�I��2IiԄ���&v-��&R�P�K"Y��K��fЃ綿 ����`�t,˂�#�B���}(G�8������e�r�)���HՇVv����9�+��aj��Ǣ*w�����>&��� 8����VIS>ɼ��ҟ;δ���!3�Z0��S����V�L�5S�x;�R�yf��na�Qu�,l������������RY��*�$���:��Ư�Ě�"���hҫ�H�0�dRb"LTӮ��zLJ2�z�y��(�� �ŌX6(���6�5�)ޑ~I,��ӑ��Q�'�Crs6�ìc0�Vi �@�A����rA;���aΊIq�"e�H�R{����U\�Kj�H+�G{E����9��?�X��p� PKICh = PK W,�P word/settings.xml���n�0ǟ`����I6uzX�����= #ɶ}A����'ǖդ@�f�H�?�M?>�|q��2%K��R��+�d]�?�?����:����Dgj����cWX���O���D�s�H�*�����+e85u"�[��Jhp��8s�$O�-1�D��ňX ‘Hollow’ by Vanessa Kisuule June 9, 2020 by funkypedagogy, posted in Uncategorized This astonishing poem was written by Vanessa Kisuule, the Bristol City Poet, in June 2020 in response to the destruction of the statue of Edward Colston, a slaver. PK W,�P word/numbering.xml��MN�0�O�"��$ 5� ����r}H���a:��3'��p+�t�����נ�m���&�yc ���$x����l�@�-���S�h�0�֫σq"f���)bN �9C%��0�p܀��+�{l�$���9����`���Ww��m�f�����\k����0. The performer is … Act 1. there is more to come. (�[Q܃��梚�R!�"�cH�Y'�JN��R�#��퉰�cܯ�о����� �= �M ��;��X����b�?PK��m y Z PK W,�P word/styles.xmlՖ�n�0ǟ`�r�&$�!TZu��M��j����c�UǶlʞ~�7$�J\��}����㏋���VX*����;� 3�–3������( , ��Y����/������35��� ���^8��/�mZ��. Standing ovation on the platform of your neck. ‘Hollow’ by Vanessa Kisuule This astonishing poem was written by Vanessa Kisuule, the Bristol City Poet, in June 2020 in response to the destruction of the statue of Edward Colston, a slaver. Hollow. the righteous wrench of two ropes in a grand plie. Vanessa Kisuule, June 2020. You came down easy in the end. 6����X�=��I��q��R$��U��������Kɠ�h��ˈ\3Ȅ.R���x"�uTgT��)9rK���u��J�9�}�Gh�(���9���e%W�.�p�9���/��Ce��N�����tHI�:�%��ܝ$ �`��� �=��� O0 3�g�� �0� �8��S�l�ތ˾M#��?�O�Z�}}���m>�`�W ��ܽ�a�^t� ��S���a���~ؘ�/� � ��s�_���5l~q}��*'7�>����C�C�����qY�w�F�B�\u>��-l�`����Q˃���!hQ[m�M�6Q�m�k�YSÙPK��ä � PK W,�P word/fontTable.xml��MN�0�O�"�ۤ��Tv��I��k�4���4?P$��U�������7ZE;AN���j��H��4U��^�,rL briefly, you flew. The righteous wrench of two ropes in a grand plié. punk ballet. And who carved you? ���Jv�*ŵ;;�ȥ��-��=Mͥ�b�C�Q+��k��i��dk� f�qk��][�q4a�'Ġ���OϾE�0�t\����vF�ga�F�қ�#���.�y^ꍘ��+�W� His entire fortune was built on the systematic enslavement, murder and rape of enslaved Africans. Written by Naomi Miller on 9th June in Bristol City Poet City Poet Vanessa Kisuule has responded to the toppling of the statue of Edward Colston at a Black Lives Matter protest on 7 June 2020 with a new poem that has been praised by writers Malorie Blackman and … His entire fortune was built on the systematic enslavement, murder and rape of enslaved Africans.