John Knox, (born c. 1514, near Haddington, East Lothian, Scotland—died November 24, 1572, Edinburgh), foremost leader of the Scottish Reformation, who set the austere moral tone of the Church of Scotland and shaped the democratic form of government it adopted. He had been on the galley for over a year and a half. In 1551, he became one of the King's chaplains. Formé à l'université de Glasgow (1529), il étudie la théologie à Saint Salvator's College (1531-1535). Knox settled into a busy lifestyle over the next two years. Puis il exerce une influence considérable sur le gouvernement de Jacques VI d'Écosse (futur Jacques Ier d'Angleterre), mais meurt avant l'établissement définitif de l'Église presbytérienne d'Écosse. Cardinal David Beaton was the person who sentenced Wishart. La mort de la régente Marie de Guise fournit au Parlement l'occasion d'adopter le 17 août 1560 une confession de foi écossaise et des lois qui abolissent le catholicisme et promulguent son remplacement par le protestantisme qui devient religion d'État. He used the Book of Common Prayer, but he adapted it to reform ideas. As a result, refugees prepared to go home. Knox married Margery Bowes, who died in 1560. Pierre en Édimbourg marquant le site approximatif de la tombe de Knox, indiquée par le carré jaune à l'arrière-plan. Mais elle ne parvient pas à asseoir son autorité et les Français, aux prises avec les guerres de religion, ne peuvent pas la soutenir. They called Knox, along with five other ministers, and asked them to create a new confession of faith. The Scottish Parliament convened on 1st August. Dans ses écrits sur les responsabilités religieuses du pouvoir civil, il dépasse de loin la doctrine plutôt passiviste de Calvin, pour qui le fidèle ne doit pas résister à un souverain, même inique ; Knox a développé (le premier) l'idée que les autorités subalternes (nobles, magistrats) ont le droit et le devoir de résister à un tyran qui, comme Marie Tudor, cherche à imposer l'idolâtrie à ses sujets. modifier - modifier le code - modifier Wikidata. Knox established the Presbyterian denomination. England was no longer safe for Protestant preachers, so Knox sailed for Europe in January 1554. Knox continued preaching for the rest of his life and died in 1572. During the years of political and religious turmoil in Scotland, Knox was captured by French forces and held prisoner. Le 27 janvier 1561, l'Assemblée de l'église écossaise adopte un Livre de discipline. The church has millions of members worldwide. Other career paths were agricultural or mercantile. However, when she entered Perth, she took control by using soldiers paid by the French. The guards chained the prisoners to benches in French galleys and they had to row to France. Knox recognized the amount of work to be done to bring reform to the church. Knox was one of Wishart's closest friends. The authorities declared Knox, an outlaw once he arrived back in Scotland. John Knox (né vers 15142 à Haddington et mort le 24 novembre 1572 à Édimbourg) est le réformateur (ou fondateur) de l'Église écossaise grâce à sa liturgie : The Book of Common Order, qui rompt avec la tradition liturgique latine. The authorities signed The Treaty of Edinburgh. He decided to return to Geneva and resume his ministerial position, and he arrived back to Geneva in September 1556. Knox received a request to return to Scotland, which he did. At some point, Knox converted to a Protestant. Après sa libération, il se rend en Angleterre (1549), et se met à prêcher à Berwick, où il rencontre sa future femme Marjory Bowes. Il entreprend la rédaction de son ouvrage The History of the Reformation of the Religion within the Realm of Scotland. He also continued to hunt for Knox. Knox tried to garner support from the English, but the Queen Regent found out. The Protestants traveled to Perth where they could defend themselves if necessary. Le site de sa tombe est aujourd'hui occupé par un parking, mais une pierre monumentale marque le site approximatif. Ordonné prêtre en 1536, Knox débute comme notaire, avant de devenir précepteur vers 1544. The French released Knox in February 1549. Although the Queen Regent offered freedom of conscious, Knox knew she was lying and would seek backup from France. It took several months to complete and was the foundation for the new church. John Knoxwas born c. 1513, in Giffordgate, Haddington, in Scotland. Il devient aumônier d'Édouard VI en 1551, et participe à la révision du Book of Common Prayer. Vitrail de John Knox prêchant dans la Cathédrale Saint-Gilles en Édimbourg. Quittant définitivement la France, le 14 août 1561, Marie Stuart revient en Écosse à la mort de son époux, le roi de France François II. Knox and his co-ministers then worked on the Book of Discipline. In October 1559, the rebels removed her from the regency. Prédicateur énergique et violent, Knox a composé de nombreux traités. À l'avènement de la catholique Marie Tudor en 1553, il s'enfuit d'Angleterre - comme beaucoup d'autres exilés mariaux, gagne la France par Dieppe en janvier 1554, puis se rend à Genève où il rencontre Jean Calvin, puis à Francfort-sur-le-Main (novembre 1554 - mars 1555) et en Écosse, puis il revient à Genève (1556) où il devient pasteur de l'Église anglaise, composée d'exilés protestants, la dotant en 1556 d'une liturgie essentiellement traduite de la Forme des prières de Calvin : elle deviendra celle de l'Église écossaise. The couple had three daughters. Témoin des premiers mouvements de réforme qui surviennent après la mort de Jacques V (1542) et marqué par l'autorisation de la lecture de la Bible en langue vulgaire, bientôt adepte de la Réforme, il devient pasteur à Saint Andrews (petite ville située sur la mer du Nord à quelque 100 kilomètres de Glasgow). Une majorité des sources se rejoignent cependant autour de 1514, Ainsi dénommée car elle reste subordonnée à la, Modérateur de l'Assemblée générale de l'Église d'Écosse, Conférence internationale des églises réformées,, Date de naissance incertaine (XVIe siècle), Catégorie Commons avec lien local différent sur Wikidata, Article de Wikipédia avec notice d'autorité, Portail:Religions et croyances/Articles liés, Portail:Littérature britannique/Articles liés, Portail:Biographie/Articles liés/Religions et croyances, Portail:Biographie/Articles liés/Culture et arts, Portail:Biographie/Articles liés/Politique, licence Creative Commons attribution, partage dans les mêmes conditions, comment citer les auteurs et mentionner la licence. Collaborateur de Jean Calvin, il a organisé l'Église presbytérienne et fut l'une des figures de la réforme écossaise entamée en 1528. Protestant anger continued to grow, and riots were breaking out around the country. He left Scotland in 1538 to escape punishment as a heretic. Meanwhile, in England, a Protestant had returned to the throne. Lord Moray and Lord Argyll saw this as betrayal, and they immediately switched their allegiance to Knox. Knox's father was a merchant, and his mother died when he was very young. Fast Facts: John Knox Known For: 16th-century Scottish preacher, theologian, religious reformer, and founder of the Presbyterian Church of Scotland Born: Between November 1513 and 1514 in Haddington, East Lothian, Scotland, UK Died: November 24, 1572 in Edinburgh, Scotland, UK Avec ce Code de discipline, la confession de foi écossaise et le Book of Common Order (équivalent presbytérien du Book of Common Prayer anglican), est créée la première "règle subordonnée" (subordinate standard)[3] établissant officiellement les principes et les règles de fonctionnement de l'Église d'Écosse[4]. He also had an older brother who helped their father with his business. She used them as her delegates to offer terms, including not to deploy French troops. George Wishart traveled through Scotland preaching in support of the reform. Mary of Guise, the Queen Regent, sent Lord Moray and the Earl of Argyll to Perth. Henry II's troops stormed the castle in June 1547, and they took control. De retour en Écosse le 2 mai 1559, il y introduit la Réforme, en prêchant des sermons violents contre la reine Marie Ire Stuart, contre l'autorité féminine, et contre les catholiques. He wasn’t afraid to stand up to anyone, even kings and queens, for what he knew was right. His preaching was used by … Other career paths were agricultural or mercantile. Knox arrived back in Scotland in May 1559. He served in the diocese of St. Andrews until 1543. Capturé en 1547 par les armées catholiques, il est fait prisonnier en France (juillet 1547 - mars 1549) et envoyé aux galères. The parliament voted on it and then approved it. Knox and his brethren presented the document four days later. Knox stayed in England, and in April 1549, he received his license to work in the Church of England. During the years of Knox's study, academic students only had the priesthood open to them. They had two sons together. Knox landed in France, and he continued his journey to Geneva. As part of this, the French and English troops withdrew from Scotland. His congregation quickly grew. They took everyone captive, including Knox. John Knox was born c. 1513, in Giffordgate, Haddington, in Scotland. In May 1546, Wishart supporters murdered Beaton as revenge and seized his castle as their stronghold. Knox fut enterré dans la Cathédrale Saint-Gilles d'Édimbourg, l'église où il prêchait. Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Knox's father was a merchant, and his mother died when he was very young. Par ses sermons, John Knox s'oppose plus durement à la reine, au mode de vie de la cour et contribue à sa déposition en 1567. The revolution was complete when Mary of Guise died in June 1560. He married his second wife, Margaret Stewart, in 1564. Les sources ne s'accordent pas sur sa date de naissance, allant de 1505 à 1515. De retour en Écosse le 2 mai 1559, il y introduit la Réforme, en prêchant des se… The King died in 1553, and Mary Tudor succeeded him to the throne. Wishart was arrested in December 1545, and he was burned at the stake three months later. In 1536, the Catholic church ordained Knox as a priest. She re-established Roman Catholicism throughout England. Application John Knox saw how important it was for the church to do what the Bible said, and not just what they thought was right. La dernière modification de cette page a été faite le 26 mai 2020 à 22:19. Before long, he had a lot of support from the local nobility. John Knox (né vers 1514[2] à Haddington et mort le 24 novembre 1572 à Édimbourg) est le réformateur (ou fondateur) de l'Église écossaise grâce à sa liturgie : The Book of Common Order, qui rompt avec la tradition liturgique latine. During the years of Knox's study, academic students only had the priesthood open to them. Collaborateur de Jean Calvin, il a organisé l'Église presbytérienne et fut l'une des figures de la réforme écossaise entamée en 1528. John Calvin had established himself in Geneva, and Knox came under his authority. When he was buried, it was said that ‘Here lies a man who in his life never feared the face of man’. Cette efficacité oratoire est d'autant plus remarquable que Knox était bègue. He also had an older brother who helped their father with his business. Scottish theologian and leader of the Reformation in Scotland, John Knox entered Catholic priesthood but became a Protestant under the influence of George Wishart, a Scottish Reformer. Upon arriving in August, he was surprised at how much the country had changed.