Use some of the movements from Cristian's lesson. Describe the tempo and dynamics of the performance. MARQUES, I.A. Revista Científica Multidisciplinar Núcleo do Conhecimento, Body Percussion in School Physical Education Classes, Benefits to Publish his scientific paper on Core knowledge Magazine, Early childhood: The new government agenda, The Bilingual Brain: Brain Processes During Language Acquisition, Training of YAE teachers working in socio-education with deprivation of liberty, School Recreation: the game and the game in Childhood Education. ". Thank you! Written for Worksheets with a duration of 1 min. To learn more about Franklin and his advocacy for music education visit his website at The discipline Physical Education is seen in school as something different from other subjects, but it has the same need and importance, so it is up to its teachers to create strategies for this disorder to become an order that allows significant learning of body culture. Marques (2007) corroborates with the authors above stating that, in the vast majority of cases, teachers do not know exactly what, how or even why to teach / develop this content in school. They loved it!! From these suggestions the teacher can structure his classes taking into account a great variety of practices that make up the manifestations of the corporal culture. This research focuses on awakening the possibility of developing body percussion as content in physical education classes, instigating more research on the subject, making it possible to discuss with more complexity the contributions that this work can provide the student. It might seem like just fun and games, but there's actually more to it than that. You have entered an incorrect email address! "Physical Education is in school. Hit your upper chest with a fist or open palm. Body percussion can be a great ally of teachers who do not have resources in the classroom and perhaps the lack of resources may even serve as an ignition for the teacher to seek to develop their knowledge within the universe of body percussion. Portal Day by Day Education. A fun hand game to play by yourself or with a friend! According to Etchepare (2000), the school has the purpose of developing in students the characteristics that will allow them to live efficiently in a complex society. Boom! Themes & Variations is committed to providing quality music curriculum materials to schools at affordable prices. Do you think the songwriter was old or young? Music in the development of reading and writing in early childhood education. Standing on the floor: working the rhythm in music and physical education. Avercamp: São Paulo, 2010. What mood is created by the music in this performance? Government of the State of Paraná, 2010. (BETTI and ZULIANI, 2002). Body percussion is the cultural practice and artistic discipline where music is performed throughout the body. (2008, p. 37) cited by Guimarães, Simões and Impolcetto (2011) point out that today there is a great lack of work with rhythm in schools, perhaps because most teachers do not know the meaning of this word and the possibilities that can be developed through it. (page 142).